Thursday, November 19, 2009

day 214 11-18-2009 Wed

Day 214-151 to go
11-18-2009 Wed

Weather: E9, light rain, 46°, 30.03 steady

Water conditions: 639.96’ falling, 25.6 kcfs, ?°, clear (the water in the back yard seem very low)

Ducks bagged

1. one drake mallard and one hen mallard


Pool 7 – junk dock bay




Well after finalizing the arangments for dad I got out to do a little duck hunting. I met up with my neighbor Adam out in a shallow bay about one quarter mile away from the refuge line. The action was not fast and furious, but we did bag five mallards in total.

dat 213 11-17-2009

Day 213-152 to go
11-17-2009 Tue

Weather: NE6, clear, 42°, 30.17 falling

Water conditions: 5.46’ falling, 37.6 kcfs, ?°, clear

Fish caught

1. Sauger (approx. 10) 10-13", hair jig, I kept four


Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall


Troy and Curt


Fishing was not as good tonight. The baitfish were in the bay, but the bite just was not on. The lights above the wall were on most of the time and I think that may have had an adverse effect on the fish.

day 212 11-16-2009

Day 212-153 to go
11-16-2009 Mon

Weather: N7, clear, 47°, 30.23 rising

Water conditions: 5.6’ falling, 39.2 kcfs, ?°, clear

Fish caught

1. Sauger (approx. 20) 10-14", hair jig I kept six


Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall


Troy and Curt


Tonight was another good night for the sauger bite. Troy and Curt stopped by to see how I was doing and to fish a little bit.
Last night my dad died. He was eighty-six and in failing health. He was an avid outdoorsman in his day, and he passed this onto my brothers and myself. I thank him for this! If I did not have the passion for fishing and hunting I do not know what I would have to look forward to each day.

day 211 11-15-2009

Day 211-154 to go
11-15-2009 Sun

Weather: NW9, cloudy, 50°, 29.79 rising 10:53AM
NW5, clear, 37°, 30.25 rising 7:53PM

Water conditions: 5.69’ falling, 40.1 kcfs, ?°, clear

Fish caught and rabbits bagged

1. Sauger (15) 10-13", hair jig
2. No rabbits bagged


Ty's property near North Bend
Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall


Ty and his dog speedy and a young female pup, and Roxie


This morning after a quick stop at the rifle range to sight in my new deer rifle, I met up with my friend Ty to run some rabbits. His two dogs did not take too long in awakening the bunnies that were making the standing corn field their home for the past several months. It did take Roxie awhile to join the howling duet. But, after a very short time we had a bunny chasing threesome. We did not shoot any rabbits today, but a good time was had by all.
This evening I tried a little walleye fishing after dark. It took a little while for me to make the necessary adjustments to get into the fish catching game. I knew the fish were there and active by the actions of the other fisherman. Once I figured out the technique it was quite easy. Almost all of the fish were sauger and the size was not great, but I was releasing all fish that I caught anyhow. The amount of bait fish in the bay I was fishing was just incredible. The surface of the whole bay was just teaming with emerald shiners!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 210-155 to go
11-14-2009 Sat

Weather: NW7, cloudy, 52°, 29.75-rising (9:53AM)

Bagged – nothing


Island of Mississippi river on pool 7


Jeff, Josh and Tom


This morning I got a small group of bow hunters together for a couple of deer drives on the islands. We did not get any deer, but we did move a few around. Jeff did get a shot at a respectable buck, albeit a poor opportunity.
We did have another group of bow hunters beat us to one of the other islands that we started to drive. I did not know this until we were half-way through the drive. They were successful in harvesting a doe and were in the process of blood trailing another deer.
Day 209-156 to go
11-13-2009 Fri

Weather: S5, cloudy, 53°, 29.65-steady

Bagged – nothing


Brice Prairie (bike trail between midway and Lytles).


Fritz, Jeff and Jeff's dog Charlie


Tonight myself and Jeff and our respective dogs went raccoon hunting. We hunted the bike trail between Midway and Lytles, which we figured to be a distance of about four miles.
We did not get any raccoons. The dogs did act like they had one pinpointed several times, but no amount of probing the trees with our lights produced the tell tale glow of the raccoons eyes. It was a long walk with no results, however it was a gorgeous night.
Day 208-157 to go
11-12-2009 Thr
4:55PM -5:55PM

Weather: S16 G23, clear, 50°, 29.86 dropping steadily

Water conditions: 5.79’, 40.9 kcfs, ?°, clear-some weeds

Fish caught

1. Sauger 11", 5:00PM, Jig and Ring Worm
2. Sauger 11”, 5:03PM, Jig and Ring Worm
3. Sauger 12", 5:35PM, Jig and Ring Worm
4. Sauger 11", 5:39PM, Jig and Ring Worm
5. Sauger 10", 5:42PM, Jig and Ring Worm

Area fished

Pool 8 – Dresbach Dam from shore along wall

Fishing Partners



I have not been fishing for some time, so it was in the cards for tonight. I have never fished off the wall before and I have always wanted to give it a try. Even though the conditions were horrible, I think I did alright. The saugers were fairly aggressive and the weeds fouled my jig only every third cast or so. The water was clear and teaming with minnows.

Day 207-158 to go
11-11-2009 Wed

Weather: SE10, clear, 46°, 30.26-falling

Bagged – one raccoon, and treed one other plus an opossum.


Brice Prairie




I wanted to verify Fritz's raccoon finding ability tonight. So, I went back to the spot where we had gotten one on Monday. Fritz again did well. I cannot say he treed them, but he did locate them in the trees for me.
The one I did shoot hit the ground alive. Well inexperienced Fritz flung himself into the business end of this very large and angry raccoon. Immediately Fritz was squealing in pain and back pedaling. Well this raccoon was attached to Fritz like a blood sucker attaches to a persons leg. After a few head shakes he was freed of this pain inflicting critter. Fritz kept his distance as I finished this fighter off.
I cannot wait to see how he reacts to his next encounter!
Day 206-159 to go
11-10-2009 Tue

Weather: SE3, clear, 43°, 30.48-rising

Bagged – Treed one opposum


South of Lytles




Tonight we found no raccoons, but we did tree one opossum. It was a perfect night for raccoon hunting, but I do not think their are too many at this spot.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 205-160 to go
11-9-2009 Mon

Weather: calm, clear, 41°, 30.42-steady, 8:53PM

Bagged – One raccoon






I am need of an activity I can do after work in the dark and tonight I found it. I had wanted to find out if Fritz would be any good at hunting raccoon. I thought he would be able to do this. Since he had done so well at tracking the bear I had shot earlier this fall I decided to give it a try. And for his first time out he did very well.
He actually located three different raccoon that were already up in trees or he had treed. Once I illuminated the critters Fritz figured out what was going on. He would then bark tree and jump at the base of the tree. Unfortunately I was using my air rifle and either my aim was off or the scope was. It took quite a number of pellets to dispatch the first raccoon. Once the critter fell out of the tree Fritz was all over it! The second treed raccoon was spared after I ran out of pellets without ever hitting it.
For our first trip out we did well: Fritz treed three coon and we bagged one.

day 204/ 11-8-2009 /161 to go

Day 204-161 to go
11-8-2009 Sun

Weather: SE3, sunny, 39°, 30.05-rising, 6:53AM

Bagged - nothing






Today was the last day of vacation for me, and my chance to get a deer was almost over. Well I did not get a deer today. I only had one chance while on vacation, and that was a bleating fawn that walked directly under me as I sat in my tree stand.

Monday, November 9, 2009

day 203 11-7-09 Sat

Day 203-162 to go
11-7-2009 Sat

Weather: WSW5, sunny, 45°, 29.61-rising, 7:05AM
W7, sunny, 63°, 29.85-rising, 4:05PM

Bagged - nothing


Jeremy's in AM and Lytles in PM




I saw four deer at Jeremy's this morning and nothing at Lytles this afternoon. Jeremy called me later in the evening and told me he had hit a large buck at around 4PM. From the last I heard he had not recovered the deer. He said the shot looked high.

day 202 11-6-09 Fri

Day 202-163 to go
11-6-2009 Fri

Weather: SE13, sunny, 47°, 29.98-falling, 7:05AM
S10, mostly cloudy, 62°, 29.70-falling, 4:05PM

Bagged - one mallard


Out front




This morning I set up my stand where I had seen all the deer yesterday morning. Guess what? I saw no deer! Duck hunting actually wasn't too bad, we had some wind which did cause some birds to fly. I ended up with one mallard.

day 201 11-5-09 Thr

Day 201-164 to go
11-5-2009 Thr

Weather: SSW8, sunny, 30°, 30.30-steady, 7:05AM
SE5, sunny, 54°, 30.22-falling, 4:05PM

Bagged - Nothing






I bow hunted all day at Lytles. I had quite a bit of activity in the morning. I saw four deer chasing one doe. They were a long ways away, but I assume they were all bucks. The evening was a total bust, I saw nothing.

day 200 11-4-09 Wed

Day 200-165 to go
11-4-2009 Wed
11:00 AM-1:00PM

Weather: NW9, cloudy, 37°, 30.18 rising, 12:05PM
NW7, cloudy, 39°, 30.23-rising, 4:05PM

Bagged - Nothing


Lytles for squirrel and deer




I went squirrel hunting and deer scouting at the same time. I did not get any squirrels but I did find some deer sign. I did see three deer tonight while on stand, and I think at least two of them were bucks. However, nothing ever came within range.

day 199 11-3-09 Tue

Day 199-166 to go
11-3-2009 Tue

Weather: S5, partly cloudy, 43°, 30.27-steady,

Bagged - Nothing, we never fired a shot


Out front by Black River chute


Dick, Fritz


Since I did well on ducks yesterday I was counting on a repeat today. Well, I did not materialize! We did get burned a couple of times, but we still never fired a shot.

day 198 11-2-09

Day 198-167 to go
11-2-2009 Mon

Weather: NW14, cloudy, 38°, 30.12, 7:05AM (full moon)
WNW16, sunny, 53°, 30.20-steady, 3:05PM

Bagged - four mallards and two gadwall


Lytles-bow hunting, out front-duck hunting




I saw one fawn this morning, it was by itself and constantly bleating. This evening the duck shooting was good. I had four mallards in less than one hour. We did end up losing one gadwall. I believe I mistakenly called Fritz off this cripple.

day 197 11-1-09 Sun

Day 197-168 to go
11-1-2009 Sun

Weather: SE 5, 30°,mostly cloudy, 30.11, 7:00AM

Bagged - Nothing


Blair-south end




This morning I bow hunted a ridge on public land in Blair. All I saw was one small buck at about 8:30AM.

day 196 10-31-09

Day 196-169 to go
10-31-2009 Sat

Weather: High 47°,partly cloudy, NW 26, (archived data)

Bagged - Nothing






I still hunted and scouted at Blair today. I did see five deer, but did not get any shots.

day 195 10-30-09

Day 195-170 to go
10-30-2009 Fri

Weather: High 64°,cloudy, SW 33, (archived data)

Bagged - Nothing






I pheasant hunted and deer scouted at Ettrick today. I only saw one woodcock and no pheasants. There is quite a bit of deer sign in the woods here. Two of my friends already shot pretty nice bucks here.

day 194 10-29-09 Thr

Day 194-171 to go
10-29-2009 Thr

Weather: High 55°,rain, SE 23, (archived data)

Bagged - Nothing






The water is very high back in Lytles. I did not have any problems running with the electric trolling motor. I did not fire a shot this evening.
I also scouted one of the islands out in front, and saw one deer and one raccoon.

day 193 10-28-09 Wed

Day 193-173 to go
10-28-2009 Wed
5:00 PM -6:30 PM

Weather: High 54°, SE 15, (archived data)

Bagged - Nothing


Rose Bud Island




I still-hunted Rose Bud island for deer tonight. I did see one deer and saw quite a bit of sign.