Day 312-53 to go
2-24-10 Wed
Weather: NW9, clear, 16°, 30.15 rising
H2O: 639.68' rising, 19.5 kcfs, clear, 20",
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska
1. Crappies (4) 8-10", Rat Finkee
Tonight I was in the panic mode for a couple of minutes! The approach onto the ice at Schaffer's Landing is in very dire shape: lots of water on top of the ice and large ruts. It is very hard to tell if there is ice under the water or not. Well I decided to see what was or was not under these water holes. This is where I got into trouble! I decided to probe these water holes with my feet. I started on the ice side of the landing and probed my way towards shore. The water was close to coming to the top of my knee boots when suddenly my left foot fell into a hole that was covered by ten inches of water. The numbing and tingling of the icy water came very quickly and was overwhelming. It felt as if my foot was in a Chinese finger: the harder I pulled the tighter the ice gripped my foot. With some rather frantic twisting and pulling I was able to free myself after several minutes.
All that went through my mind was shit, I was stuck here and I am going to have to call for help. Then I could foresee myself making the local paper or the local news broadcast. This very well could have been a serious situation, fortunately I was able to free myself and I did have my cell phone with me just in case.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Day 311 2-23-2010 Tue 54 to go
Day 311-54 to go
2-23-10 Tue
Weather: NW8, Light snow, 22°, 29.93 rising
H2O: 4.88' falling, 15.9 kcfs, clear, 16", (current seems up along the short wall)
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 8 - Dresbach dam (short wall)
1. Saugers (2) 12", Jigging Rapala
Tonight may well have been my last night of ice fishing below the dam. Warm weather is coming and the river flow is starting to increase. Everyday that ice is getting a little thinner and weaker. I did notice some major cracks in the ice sheet and I think an uptick in the flow will break it up rather quickly.
Fishing was not great, in fact marking fish on the locator was very rare.
2-23-10 Tue
Weather: NW8, Light snow, 22°, 29.93 rising
H2O: 4.88' falling, 15.9 kcfs, clear, 16", (current seems up along the short wall)
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 8 - Dresbach dam (short wall)
1. Saugers (2) 12", Jigging Rapala
Tonight may well have been my last night of ice fishing below the dam. Warm weather is coming and the river flow is starting to increase. Everyday that ice is getting a little thinner and weaker. I did notice some major cracks in the ice sheet and I think an uptick in the flow will break it up rather quickly.
Fishing was not great, in fact marking fish on the locator was very rare.
Monday, February 22, 2010
day 310 2-22-2010 Mon 55 to go
Day 310-55 to go
2-22-10 Mon
Weather: N8, Overcast, 33°, 29.87 rising
H2O: 639.57' falling, 16.9 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (Landing Lights and just south of Half-Way Creek dredge hole)
1. Bluegills (4) 4-7", Rat Finkee
I am still in the exploratory mode for the up-coming ice derby this Saturday. The Landing Lights area had bluegills, largemouth bass and northern. I also fished the area just to the south of Half Way Creek's dredge hole. This area does not have the twenty foot depth, it is more around ten feet deep. I have always thought all crappies in the lake this time of year were in the deepest water available. I did not catch any crappies here, but I did see some nice ones iced.
2-22-10 Mon
Weather: N8, Overcast, 33°, 29.87 rising
H2O: 639.57' falling, 16.9 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (Landing Lights and just south of Half-Way Creek dredge hole)
1. Bluegills (4) 4-7", Rat Finkee
I am still in the exploratory mode for the up-coming ice derby this Saturday. The Landing Lights area had bluegills, largemouth bass and northern. I also fished the area just to the south of Half Way Creek's dredge hole. This area does not have the twenty foot depth, it is more around ten feet deep. I have always thought all crappies in the lake this time of year were in the deepest water available. I did not catch any crappies here, but I did see some nice ones iced.
day 309 2-21-2010 Sun 56 to go
Day 309-56 to go
2-21-10 Sun
Weather: NW3, clear, 31°, 30.03 falling
H2O: 639.64' steady, 18.6 kcfs, clear, 18-24"
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (many areas)
1. Crappie 10", Rat Finkee
Today was pretty much gong to be a day of exploration. I was looking for fish and spots for next weeks ice-fishing derby. I was hoping to find that one secret spot that nobody else was fishing. I drilled lots of holes and covered lots of ice and did not find much. The only area that held any promise was south east of Half-Way Creek.
On the way back to the landing I stopped and visited with Troy, Chandler and Curt. They were out in front of the dike near the south end tip-up fishing. They had only caught one small pike. I gave them a ride back in the airboat. It was quite crowded: we had four people, two dogs and lots of gear piled into the boat.
2-21-10 Sun
Weather: NW3, clear, 31°, 30.03 falling
H2O: 639.64' steady, 18.6 kcfs, clear, 18-24"
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 - Lake Onalaska (many areas)
1. Crappie 10", Rat Finkee
Today was pretty much gong to be a day of exploration. I was looking for fish and spots for next weeks ice-fishing derby. I was hoping to find that one secret spot that nobody else was fishing. I drilled lots of holes and covered lots of ice and did not find much. The only area that held any promise was south east of Half-Way Creek.
On the way back to the landing I stopped and visited with Troy, Chandler and Curt. They were out in front of the dike near the south end tip-up fishing. They had only caught one small pike. I gave them a ride back in the airboat. It was quite crowded: we had four people, two dogs and lots of gear piled into the boat.
day 308 2-20-2010 Sat 57 to go
Day 308-57 to go
2-20-10 Sat
Weather: Calm, light snow, 29°, 30.13 falling, 12" snow cover
Location: Clark Co. , Wisconsin - near Fairchild
One cottontail
Roxie and Frityz - my hunting dogs
The plan today was to get Roxie on some snowshoes to see if she might run them better that cottontails. Unfortunately we did not find any snowshoes. We did run across some old snow-covered tracks, but nothing since last nights snowfall.
I was even employing the aid of Fritz in hopes he would be able to stir up some hares. Luckily we did bump one cottontail, and Roxie did a very good job of running it. She did start out silent, but after trailing it for a couple hundred yards she did open up. She did chase it quite well and after its third pass around me I was able to bag it.
There are snowshoes in this area, but the overall numbers look low based on the sign I saw.
2-20-10 Sat
Weather: Calm, light snow, 29°, 30.13 falling, 12" snow cover
Location: Clark Co. , Wisconsin - near Fairchild
One cottontail
Roxie and Frityz - my hunting dogs
The plan today was to get Roxie on some snowshoes to see if she might run them better that cottontails. Unfortunately we did not find any snowshoes. We did run across some old snow-covered tracks, but nothing since last nights snowfall.
I was even employing the aid of Fritz in hopes he would be able to stir up some hares. Luckily we did bump one cottontail, and Roxie did a very good job of running it. She did start out silent, but after trailing it for a couple hundred yards she did open up. She did chase it quite well and after its third pass around me I was able to bag it.
There are snowshoes in this area, but the overall numbers look low based on the sign I saw.
day 307 2-19-2010 Fri 58 to go
Day 307-58 to go
2-19-10 Fri
Weather: Calm, clear, 30°, 30.14 steady
Water conditions: 639.7', rising, 20 kcfs, clear, 22"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Half Way Creek
Half-Way Creek was fish less for me tonight. I did mark fish on the locator, but I suspect they were bluegills. The only action I got was one stolen minnow!
2-19-10 Fri
Weather: Calm, clear, 30°, 30.14 steady
Water conditions: 639.7', rising, 20 kcfs, clear, 22"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Half Way Creek
Half-Way Creek was fish less for me tonight. I did mark fish on the locator, but I suspect they were bluegills. The only action I got was one stolen minnow!
day 306 2-18-2010 Thr 59 to go
Day 306-59 to go
2-18-10 Thr
Weather: N3, clear, 23°, 30.08 rising
Water conditions: 639.77', falling, 21.5 kcfs, clear, 24"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Half Way Creek
1. Crappies (3) 8-10", minnows
Jake V.
I can define slow as five crappies in two hours. We were fishing in about twenty feet of water and constantly marking fish between the depth of five and ten feet. The problem was they did not want to bite. It was easy to see they were interested by watching their movement in relation to the bait movement on the flasher. But, they just would not take the final step!
2-18-10 Thr
Weather: N3, clear, 23°, 30.08 rising
Water conditions: 639.77', falling, 21.5 kcfs, clear, 24"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Half Way Creek
1. Crappies (3) 8-10", minnows
Jake V.
I can define slow as five crappies in two hours. We were fishing in about twenty feet of water and constantly marking fish between the depth of five and ten feet. The problem was they did not want to bite. It was easy to see they were interested by watching their movement in relation to the bait movement on the flasher. But, they just would not take the final step!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
day 305 2-17-2010 Wed 60 to go
Day 305-60 to go
2-17-10 Wed
Weather: NW13, mostly cloudy, 36°, 29.99 rising
Water conditions: 5.06', rising, 23.5 kcfs, clear, 24"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Camp 22
1. Bluegills (4) 6-7.5", Rat Finkee
I am finally caught up - yes!!!
I was fishing a spot I have never fished before; and I was not well prepared. I had forgotten all my tackle and the most important piece of equipment; my locator. Even with the memory lapse I still managed a couple of bluegills. I guess the family will eat another night!
2-17-10 Wed
Weather: NW13, mostly cloudy, 36°, 29.99 rising
Water conditions: 5.06', rising, 23.5 kcfs, clear, 24"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Camp 22
1. Bluegills (4) 6-7.5", Rat Finkee
I am finally caught up - yes!!!
I was fishing a spot I have never fished before; and I was not well prepared. I had forgotten all my tackle and the most important piece of equipment; my locator. Even with the memory lapse I still managed a couple of bluegills. I guess the family will eat another night!
day 304 2-16-2010 Tue 61 to go
Day 304-61 to go
2-16-10 Tue
Weather: NW9, overcast, 28°, 29.96 rising
Water conditions: 639.7', rising, 20 kcfs, clear, 24"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Half Way Creek
1. Crappies (8) 7-11", Rat Finkee, minnows
Tonight I was back to Half Way Creek for some crappie action. The action was not too bad. The peak of the bite was definitely at sunset and the bait of choice was the plain and simple minnow.
2-16-10 Tue
Weather: NW9, overcast, 28°, 29.96 rising
Water conditions: 639.7', rising, 20 kcfs, clear, 24"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Half Way Creek
1. Crappies (8) 7-11", Rat Finkee, minnows
Tonight I was back to Half Way Creek for some crappie action. The action was not too bad. The peak of the bite was definitely at sunset and the bait of choice was the plain and simple minnow.
day 303 2-15-2010 mon 62 to go
Day 303-62 to go
2-15-10 Mon
Weather: NW12, overcast, 26°, 29.93 rising
Water conditions: 4.96’, rising, 18.6 kcfs, clear, 16"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Dresbach dam (short
1. Saugers (3) 10-11", jigging rapala
You have probably heard the term hot pockets but how about fish pockets. As I was walking out to fish another fisherman was walking off the ice with his pockets full of nice walleyes and saugers.
As usual I caught two right at sunset and after that it was pretty slow.
On my walk off the ice I was stopped by a very excited fisherman. He told me that he had just lost a huge sturgeon. He said he saw its huge head at the bottom of the hole and then it broke his line. He was very excited but disappointed that he was unable to land the trophy!
2-15-10 Mon
Weather: NW12, overcast, 26°, 29.93 rising
Water conditions: 4.96’, rising, 18.6 kcfs, clear, 16"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Dresbach dam (short
1. Saugers (3) 10-11", jigging rapala
You have probably heard the term hot pockets but how about fish pockets. As I was walking out to fish another fisherman was walking off the ice with his pockets full of nice walleyes and saugers.
As usual I caught two right at sunset and after that it was pretty slow.
On my walk off the ice I was stopped by a very excited fisherman. He told me that he had just lost a huge sturgeon. He said he saw its huge head at the bottom of the hole and then it broke his line. He was very excited but disappointed that he was unable to land the trophy!
day 302 2-14-2010 Sun 63 to go
Day 302-63 to go
2-14-10 Sun
Weather: calm, sunny, -2°, 29.96 steady (8:05 AM)
Location: Ettrick, WI
Bagged - No bunnies
Tom W., Dirt and Roxie
Rabbit hunting was on the agenda today. We did see a couple of rabbits, but the dogs did not do their jobs. I have about given up on Roxie becoming a good rabbit dog. I told Karen that I thought she would rather have stayed home and helped bake Autumn's birthday cake.
2-14-10 Sun
Weather: calm, sunny, -2°, 29.96 steady (8:05 AM)
Location: Ettrick, WI
Bagged - No bunnies
Tom W., Dirt and Roxie
Rabbit hunting was on the agenda today. We did see a couple of rabbits, but the dogs did not do their jobs. I have about given up on Roxie becoming a good rabbit dog. I told Karen that I thought she would rather have stayed home and helped bake Autumn's birthday cake.
day 301 2-13-2010 Sat 64 to go
Day 301-64 to go
2-13-10 Sat
Weather: calm, sunny, 20°, 29.96 steady
Water conditions: 639.63’, falling, 18.3 kcfs, clear, 15-20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-200 yards east of west stump fields, R.R. bay, Dakota wing dam
1. Bluegill (6) 6-8" Rat Finkee
2. Pumkinseed 7" Rat Finkee
This afternoon I did a little exploring out on pool seven. I always like to spend some time looking for new spots in unknown areas. The first stop was an area just to the east of the west stump field area where I do well in the spring. After drilling numerous holes and checking with the camera I came up empty handed.
The next stop was a small bay off the main channel. There were fish here, but they were mostly in the inactive mood. The final spot was a wing dam in front of Dakota Minnesota. I was looking for walleyes but they proved elusive.
2-13-10 Sat
Weather: calm, sunny, 20°, 29.96 steady
Water conditions: 639.63’, falling, 18.3 kcfs, clear, 15-20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-200 yards east of west stump fields, R.R. bay, Dakota wing dam
1. Bluegill (6) 6-8" Rat Finkee
2. Pumkinseed 7" Rat Finkee
This afternoon I did a little exploring out on pool seven. I always like to spend some time looking for new spots in unknown areas. The first stop was an area just to the east of the west stump field area where I do well in the spring. After drilling numerous holes and checking with the camera I came up empty handed.
The next stop was a small bay off the main channel. There were fish here, but they were mostly in the inactive mood. The final spot was a wing dam in front of Dakota Minnesota. I was looking for walleyes but they proved elusive.
day 300 2-12-2010 fri 65 to go
Day 300-65 to go
2-12-10 Fri
Weather: NW6, sunny, 25°, 30.01 falling
Water conditions: 4.94’, falling, 17.9 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Lauderdale
1. Crappies 6" Rat Finkee
2. Bluegill 7" Rat Finkee
I had not been back to this spot since the early ice season. Things have not changed any; still lots of little inactive fish.
2-12-10 Fri
Weather: NW6, sunny, 25°, 30.01 falling
Water conditions: 4.94’, falling, 17.9 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Lauderdale
1. Crappies 6" Rat Finkee
2. Bluegill 7" Rat Finkee
I had not been back to this spot since the early ice season. Things have not changed any; still lots of little inactive fish.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
day 299 2-11-2010 Thr 66 to go
Day 299-66 to go
2-11-10 Thr
Weather: NNW3, sunny, 19°, 30.07 falling
Water conditions: 631.68’, falling, 19.5 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (south of
Half-Way Creek)
1. Crappies (2) 6-10" Purist
2. Bluegill (2) 6-7" Purist
Tonight I was fishing about 200 yards to the south of where I was yesterday. This change of location did not make any difference, for I still did not catch much.
2-11-10 Thr
Weather: NNW3, sunny, 19°, 30.07 falling
Water conditions: 631.68’, falling, 19.5 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (south of
Half-Way Creek)
1. Crappies (2) 6-10" Purist
2. Bluegill (2) 6-7" Purist
Tonight I was fishing about 200 yards to the south of where I was yesterday. This change of location did not make any difference, for I still did not catch much.
day 298 2-10-2010 Wed 67 to go
Day 298-67 to go
2-10-10 Wed
Weather: N6, clear, 14°, 30.16 steady
Water conditions: 631.62’, falling, 21.1 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (Half-Way
1. Crappies (2) 6-8" Purist
2. Bluegill 6" Purist
I was marking fish on the locator, but what I did catch was small. Hopefully the crappie bite will pick up soon!
2-10-10 Wed
Weather: N6, clear, 14°, 30.16 steady
Water conditions: 631.62’, falling, 21.1 kcfs, clear, 20"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (Half-Way
1. Crappies (2) 6-8" Purist
2. Bluegill 6" Purist
I was marking fish on the locator, but what I did catch was small. Hopefully the crappie bite will pick up soon!
day 297 2-9-2010 Tue 68 to go

Day 297-68 to go
2-9-10 Tue
Weather: NW15, light snow, 26°, 29.99 rising
Water conditions: 5.02’, rising, 21.1 kcfs, clear, 16"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Dresbach Dam (Short
1. Sauger (10) 6-12" Jigging Rapala (kept 5)
2. Walleye 12" Jigging Rapala
I passed my computer class; Yeah!!!!
The saugers were biting pretty well tonight. The ice is also holding up pretty well, I think I will be able to do this for at least a couple more weeks. I again had to downsize my lure size in order to coax the fish into biting. The pic of the sauger has got to be about one of the smallest that has ever been caught on a lure. I think this fish was definitely out of place for its size.
day 296 2-8-2010 Mon 69 to go
Day 296-69 to go
2-8-10 Mon
Weather: E7, overcast, 27°, 30.11 rising
Water conditions: 5.03’, falling, 21.7 kcfs, clear, 16"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Pettibone Park Lagoon
1. Bluegills 7" Rat Finkee
2. Crappies (9) 6-9" Rat Finkee, purist
Today is my final day of studying for the second and last test for my computer class at work. I did not spend much time fishing because of this, but I did catch fish. The fish caught were again small, but I have confidence that there are some decent size fish here.
2-8-10 Mon
Weather: E7, overcast, 27°, 30.11 rising
Water conditions: 5.03’, falling, 21.7 kcfs, clear, 16"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 8-Pettibone Park Lagoon
1. Bluegills 7" Rat Finkee
2. Crappies (9) 6-9" Rat Finkee, purist
Today is my final day of studying for the second and last test for my computer class at work. I did not spend much time fishing because of this, but I did catch fish. The fish caught were again small, but I have confidence that there are some decent size fish here.
day 295 2-7-2010 Sun 70 to go

Day 295-70 to go
2-7-10 Sun
Weather: SE9, overcast, 27°, 30.10 steady
Water conditions: 639.7’, steady, 20.0 kcfs, clear, 22"
Location: Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (runway lights)
1. Bluegills (6) 6-8" Rat Finkee
2. Pumkinseed 6" Rat Finkee
Jake, Mark and Cole
Fishing was not as good this evening as it was yesterday. Some bass and bluegills were seen on the camera , but it was nothing compared to yesterday. I met up with a co-worker from Holmen along with his two sons. Jake's son Mark fished with me and seemed pretty amazed at some of the fish we saw on the camera.
day 294 2-6-2010 Sat 71 to go

Day 294-71 to go
2-6-10 Sat
Weather: E7, clear, 26°, 30.23 falling
Water conditions: 639.7’, falling, 20.0 kcfs, clear, 22"
Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (runway lights)
1. LMB (6) 15-19", Rat Finkee, shiners (kept 2)
2. Bluegills (15) 6-8" Rat Finkee (kept 3)
3. Perch (2) 9" Rat Finkee
Josh and Jenny
Today I fished the Brice Prairie Conservation Club fishing derby. Needless to say I was not impressed with the way this derby was ran.
However, the fishing was good. We caught lots of bass and a few gills. I lost three jigs to to break offs caused by over aggressive large mouth bass. Lots of participants were on the ice today, and some very nice northerns came from an area just to the west of Rosebud Island.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Day 293 2-5-2010 Fri 72 to go
Day 293-72 to go
2-5-10 Fri
Weather: N5, overcast, 33°, 30.10 rising
Water conditions: 5.26’, falling, 33.9 kcfs, clear, 18"
Mississippi R, Pool 8-Dresbach Dam (short wall)
1. Saugers (4) 10-12", Jigging Rap (kept 1)
The ice has broken up a little bit below the dam. The area I was fishing on Tuesday is now open water. I believe this resulted from the increase in current not from any warm weather. The fish were pretty inactive, lookers and sniffers but not many takers.
2-5-10 Fri
Weather: N5, overcast, 33°, 30.10 rising
Water conditions: 5.26’, falling, 33.9 kcfs, clear, 18"
Mississippi R, Pool 8-Dresbach Dam (short wall)
1. Saugers (4) 10-12", Jigging Rap (kept 1)
The ice has broken up a little bit below the dam. The area I was fishing on Tuesday is now open water. I believe this resulted from the increase in current not from any warm weather. The fish were pretty inactive, lookers and sniffers but not many takers.
day 292 2-4-2010 Thr 73 to go
Day 292-73 to go
2-4-10 Thr
Weather: E1, cloudy, 32°, 30.24 rising
Water conditions: 5.25’, rising, 33.5 kcfs, clear, 22"
Mississippi R, Pool 8-Gunderson Lutheran Gravel Pits
Tonight was a night of exploring. I have fished behind the hospital in the past, but not yet this year. I covered lots of water in a short amount of time and never brought a fish through the hole. I did lose one crappie at the bottom of one hole, but was not able to get it topside. The locator was indicating very few panfish, but lots of shad.
2-4-10 Thr
Weather: E1, cloudy, 32°, 30.24 rising
Water conditions: 5.25’, rising, 33.5 kcfs, clear, 22"
Mississippi R, Pool 8-Gunderson Lutheran Gravel Pits
Tonight was a night of exploring. I have fished behind the hospital in the past, but not yet this year. I covered lots of water in a short amount of time and never brought a fish through the hole. I did lose one crappie at the bottom of one hole, but was not able to get it topside. The locator was indicating very few panfish, but lots of shad.
day 291 2-3-2010 Wed 74 to go
Day 291-74 to go
2-3-10 Wed
Weather: S3, overcast, 25°, 30.02 rising
Water conditions: 5.11’, rising, 26.6 kcfs, clear, 20"
Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (Halfway Creek)
1. Crappies (3) 6-10", Minnows
Jake T
Tonight I was crappie fishing with Jake. The fishing was very slow! There were lots of fish showing up on the locator, but there were not many takers. I suspect that the majority of the fish were bluegills.
It sure was a good thing to have Jake with me tonight, for he was kind enough to break my ice-fishing tent. However he was nice enough to go online when he got home and order replacement parts for the tent.
2-3-10 Wed
Weather: S3, overcast, 25°, 30.02 rising
Water conditions: 5.11’, rising, 26.6 kcfs, clear, 20"
Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (Halfway Creek)
1. Crappies (3) 6-10", Minnows
Jake T
Tonight I was crappie fishing with Jake. The fishing was very slow! There were lots of fish showing up on the locator, but there were not many takers. I suspect that the majority of the fish were bluegills.
It sure was a good thing to have Jake with me tonight, for he was kind enough to break my ice-fishing tent. However he was nice enough to go online when he got home and order replacement parts for the tent.
Friday, February 5, 2010
day 290 2-2-2010Tue 75 to go
Day 290-75 to go
2-2-10 Tue
Weather: NW7, fog/mist, 23°, 30.06 rising
Water conditions: 5.0’, rising, 20.5 kcfs, clear, 12"
Mississippi R, Pool 8-Dresbach Dam (short wall)
1. Saugers (7) 10-14", #7 Jigging Rap (kept 1)
The fishing was fantastic; for the first five minutes. In the first brief moments I caught five fish and then it was pretty much over with. After this initial flurry it took another hour to catch another. I have been noticing lately that the shad are not showing up on the locator, which I think is resulting in a lack of fish!
2-2-10 Tue
Weather: NW7, fog/mist, 23°, 30.06 rising
Water conditions: 5.0’, rising, 20.5 kcfs, clear, 12"
Mississippi R, Pool 8-Dresbach Dam (short wall)
1. Saugers (7) 10-14", #7 Jigging Rap (kept 1)
The fishing was fantastic; for the first five minutes. In the first brief moments I caught five fish and then it was pretty much over with. After this initial flurry it took another hour to catch another. I have been noticing lately that the shad are not showing up on the locator, which I think is resulting in a lack of fish!
day 289 2-1-2010 Mon 76 to go
Day 289-76 to go
2-1-10 Mon
Weather: E5, light snow, 22°, 30.15 falling
Water conditions: 639.41’, falling, 13.2 kcfs, clear, 18"
Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (Half-Way Creek)
1. Crappie 10”, minnow
Today I was not prepared for fishing: I did not have my boots or locator with me in the truck. My original plan was to fish below the dam for saugers. But since I did not have the proper attire or gear that idea was shelved.
The situation did not get much better with plan two. I came home and got my boots and minnows but forgot the locator. I was fishing deep water dead-sticking minnows for crappies and was pretty much lost without the locator. It reminded me of trying to tie on a fishing lure without my glasses; I may get lucky and tie the knot but the odds are not very good! I set the depth of the minnows in the water column the old fashioned way. I measured the depth of the water by contacting bottom with the lure then I measured it in arms lengths. I then would then set the minnow half-way down to the bottom, which was approximately two arms lengths.
Using this blind approach I was able to eek out one crappie in the first five minutes and that was it.
2-1-10 Mon
Weather: E5, light snow, 22°, 30.15 falling
Water conditions: 639.41’, falling, 13.2 kcfs, clear, 18"
Mississippi R, Pool 7-Lake Onalaska (Half-Way Creek)
1. Crappie 10”, minnow
Today I was not prepared for fishing: I did not have my boots or locator with me in the truck. My original plan was to fish below the dam for saugers. But since I did not have the proper attire or gear that idea was shelved.
The situation did not get much better with plan two. I came home and got my boots and minnows but forgot the locator. I was fishing deep water dead-sticking minnows for crappies and was pretty much lost without the locator. It reminded me of trying to tie on a fishing lure without my glasses; I may get lucky and tie the knot but the odds are not very good! I set the depth of the minnows in the water column the old fashioned way. I measured the depth of the water by contacting bottom with the lure then I measured it in arms lengths. I then would then set the minnow half-way down to the bottom, which was approximately two arms lengths.
Using this blind approach I was able to eek out one crappie in the first five minutes and that was it.
day 288 1-31-2010 Sun 77 to go
Day 288-77 to go
1-31-10 Sun
Weather: NW9, partly cloudy, 17°, 30.27 rising
Water conditions: 639.52’, falling, 15.8 kcfs, clear, 16"
Mississippi R, Pool 7- Fox Beach, Somners Chute, Lake Onalaska-North end
1. Crappie (3) 7-10”, Lil Cecil (kept 1)
2. Bluegills (9) 5-8”, Lil Cecil, Rat Finkee (kept 2)
3. Perch (10) 9-12”, Lil Cecil, Rat Finkee (kept 5)
I started out exploring for fish on the north end of the lake. I drilled lots of holes and peered into the fish camera looking for my quarry at each hole for several minutes. I was looking for perch and I found none.
The second stop was Somners Chute in the quest for walleyes. It was strike two after fishing this spot for one hour.
Next up was spot number three and hopefully not strike three. The locator immediately revealed that there were fish lurking under the ice. A quick peek with the camera and I was peering into the faces of some curious perch, crappies and bluegills. However the crappies were definetly tight lipped. They would not even take a helpless minnow that I was dead-sticking in front of their noses.
The trip in the air boat was very rough and slow, with no snow covering the bumps it was a tooth rattling day.
1-31-10 Sun
Weather: NW9, partly cloudy, 17°, 30.27 rising
Water conditions: 639.52’, falling, 15.8 kcfs, clear, 16"
Mississippi R, Pool 7- Fox Beach, Somners Chute, Lake Onalaska-North end
1. Crappie (3) 7-10”, Lil Cecil (kept 1)
2. Bluegills (9) 5-8”, Lil Cecil, Rat Finkee (kept 2)
3. Perch (10) 9-12”, Lil Cecil, Rat Finkee (kept 5)
I started out exploring for fish on the north end of the lake. I drilled lots of holes and peered into the fish camera looking for my quarry at each hole for several minutes. I was looking for perch and I found none.
The second stop was Somners Chute in the quest for walleyes. It was strike two after fishing this spot for one hour.
Next up was spot number three and hopefully not strike three. The locator immediately revealed that there were fish lurking under the ice. A quick peek with the camera and I was peering into the faces of some curious perch, crappies and bluegills. However the crappies were definetly tight lipped. They would not even take a helpless minnow that I was dead-sticking in front of their noses.
The trip in the air boat was very rough and slow, with no snow covering the bumps it was a tooth rattling day.
Day 287 1-30-2010 Sat 78 to go
Day 287-78 to go
1-30-10 Sat
Weather: NNW3, most cloudy, 17°, 30.20 falling
Water conditions: 4.96’, falling, 18.6 kcfs, clear, 18"
Mississippi R, Pool 8- French Slough
1. Crappie 10”, minnow
Tonight was the first time for me dead-sticking for crappies. Dead sticking is a fishing technique of suspending a minnow in the water column where the crappies are cruising. No action of the bait is necessary; the minnow does all the attracting.
I managed to catch one crappie. I did have some other hits, but they never took the bait enough to get hooked. I also had one powerful fish break my line. I suspect this fish was a northern
1-30-10 Sat
Weather: NNW3, most cloudy, 17°, 30.20 falling
Water conditions: 4.96’, falling, 18.6 kcfs, clear, 18"
Mississippi R, Pool 8- French Slough
1. Crappie 10”, minnow
Tonight was the first time for me dead-sticking for crappies. Dead sticking is a fishing technique of suspending a minnow in the water column where the crappies are cruising. No action of the bait is necessary; the minnow does all the attracting.
I managed to catch one crappie. I did have some other hits, but they never took the bait enough to get hooked. I also had one powerful fish break my line. I suspect this fish was a northern
day 286 1-29-2010 Fri 79 to go
Day 286-79 to go
1-29-10 Fri
Weather: Calm, partly cloudy, -5°, 30.55 rising
Water conditions: 639.7' falling, 20. kcfs, clear, 20"
Mississippi R, Pool 7- Lake Onalaska (Landing Lights)
1. Bluegills (3) 4-7", Black Rat Finkee
2. LMB 15", Black Rat Finkee
Today I got out fishing early before work. I went straight for the location where I had fished yesterday. I should have know better, for it was pretty much void of fish! I did catch a few and did catch one decent bass, but generally the fishing was very slow.
1-29-10 Fri
Weather: Calm, partly cloudy, -5°, 30.55 rising
Water conditions: 639.7' falling, 20. kcfs, clear, 20"
Mississippi R, Pool 7- Lake Onalaska (Landing Lights)
1. Bluegills (3) 4-7", Black Rat Finkee
2. LMB 15", Black Rat Finkee
Today I got out fishing early before work. I went straight for the location where I had fished yesterday. I should have know better, for it was pretty much void of fish! I did catch a few and did catch one decent bass, but generally the fishing was very slow.
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