9-26-2009 Sat
Day 161-204 to go
2:30PM - 5:30PM
Weather: SSW10, cloudy, 70°, 29.83 falling
Water conditions: 639.29’ steady, .10.8 kcfs, 70°, clear
Fish caught
1. Northern 32", 2:45PM, Spinner Bait
2. LMB 14", 4:40PM, Senko
Area fished
Pool 7, Lake Onalaska and main channel area
Fishing Partners
I knew Cade was itching to go fishing, and when I asked his mom if he would want to go along she did not hesitate to answer with "he would love to go". Cade showed up with his new pole and a net and was exited to get on the water.
When I hooked into the northern, Cade grabbed his net and was ready. With a little direction from myself he netted the fish like a pro. We did have a little problem later on when Cade dropped his new pole overboard in about ten feet of water. After a few tense moments and a few shed tears I was able to get the pole back into the boat. He was very relieved to have his new pole back in hand.
Fishing was not great today, but we both had a good time.
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