5-28-2010 Fri
6:30PM-1:30 AM
Weather: SE3, partly cloudy, 65°, 29.99 rising (close to full moon)
H2O: 3.54 falling, .768kcfs (Black R.) - it is too low for my big boat
640.44 falling, 41.2 kcfs, clear
Caught : 1) Bluegills (6) 5-8", kept for flat head bait
2) Flatheads (3), 5,8 & 24 lbs., live bluegills
Location: Lower stretches of Black R., and Mississippi R. - Pool 7
Jake T.
I was out to get Tupper a flathead tonight, and I succeeded. We started out fishing the lower stretches of the Black River. We caught a couple of fish on the black, but it was a mistake taking my boat up the river with it being so low. On the way out of the Black I got my boat hung-up on a stump and it took a half hour and the use of a lever to get us off. We also beached at another spot on the way out.
Jake caught flatheads, but he also had an unusual catch: a soft shell turtle, and it was in no mood to play!
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