7-10-2011 Sun
10:39 AM – 4:00 PM // 7:30 PM – 11:45 PM
Weather: S 8, clear, 84 ˚, 29.87 MB, falling
H2O: semi-clear, 78 ˚, 8.33’ falling, 75.1 kcfs
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: LMB 10 & 15, SMB 15, 10 crappies 7-10”, 6 bluegills 5-7”// five pound flat head
Partners: Jeff // Scott
CommentsToday I got out with my brother Jeff. He had called this morning after the rain and said his fishing date had canceled. I told him to come over when he was ready and we would see what we could catch. We started out bass fishing, and we had very limited success.
We then moved onto the snags and fished for pan fish. We caught some bluegills and crappies and even a sprinkling of perch, but it was not fantastic. The fish were in very specific areas. They wanted to be in the snags but if there was too much current the fish were not. We found two spots that had the ideal conditions: depth, timber and limited current. We did ok on the pan fish and Jeff even took home about six nice crappies and two decent perch.
The second half of my fishing day was with Scot fishing for flat heads. We were able to catch enough bait in the limited amount of time we had. I went back to the same spots where Jeff and I had caught pan fish earlier in the day.
The flat head fishing was not fantastic, but we both managed to each catch about a five pounder. We also missed two other bites. The night was extremely hot and humid and we had some bad storms early in the AM on Monday.
The flow is still very high, but the clarity has improved dramatically.
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