9-10-2011 Sat
8:30 AM – 8:00 PM
H2O: clear, 73 ˚
Weather: calm, clear, 79 ˚, 30.08 falling (12:55PM)
Location: St. Louis R. Duluth, MN
Caught: tiger musky 27”, 3 pike 22-26”
Partners: Scott
This weekend was a trip up north to the cabin to do some serious musky fishing. We had hoped to get some fishing in on Friday afternoon, but I was unable to get off of work at noon. That was just the start of our bad luck. When we got to the cabin I could not read the lock combination on the sign and Scott was getting nervous because his boat was blocking one side of the road. He attempted to move it and jack knifed his trailer and broke a taillight on his truck in the process. Once we did get the gate open we had more work in store for us. A past storm had knocked several trees down over the trail to the cabin and it took us about two hours to get the path cleared.
Saturday morning came and it was time to do what we had come to do: catch muskies! The weather was gorgeous! It was clear, calm, and very warm. It turned out to be a good day for fishing, but not such a good day for catching. We fished very hard for twelve hours; probably the most and hardest fishing I have ever done. I caught a few pike and the one small tiger musky, I did not even have any follows. Scott got very excited about the tiger musky; even though it was small he said they are very rare and seldom caught.
Scott did not catch any fish at all. He did have one very exciting moment about an hour before dark. He had one forty plus inch fish completely come out of the water after his top water bait not once but twice and it completely missed the bait on both attempts.
The water was quite clear, but there was lots of floating weeds in the form of celery grass everywhere. This made the fishing very difficult, because it was constantly fouling our baits.
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