Sunday, May 6, 2012

5-5-2012 Sat
2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Terrible, Hard rain / thunder storms, W10, G25, 55˚, 30.12 falling
7.84 rising, 36.4 kcfs, 57 ˚, dirty to clear
Mississippi R. Fountain City area
LMB (6) 14 – 17”, Pike (8) 20 – 31”


What a miserable day to decide to go fishing. I wanted to do a little shopping at Fleet Farm in Winona, so I decided to bring the boat along and do a little exploring north of there. I maybe got an hour of fishing in when the weather took a miserable turn for the worse. I was a long ways from the boat landing and I did not think the storm would last that long, besides I figured it would just be a little rain to make things uncomfortable.
When the storm hit I was not anywhere near the landing and I was not going to cross a big open body of water to get to it. I pulled into a little cut between two islands and hunkered down. Odd thing is when I got there I had some coots for company that had the same idea. Who says coots are stupid! When the storm first hit there was lots of lightning and heavy wind, but after about a half hour it just turned to rain. With no more lightning I once again started fishing. The bass seemed to take a liking to the rain and became very active.
The calm rain lasted about an hour, and then things got very ugly. The wind became so bad I once again took shelter between a two islands. It blew so hard I was mindful to keep my distance from any trees that could possibly fall my way. I had to endure the rain and storms for about two hours.
Today was not an enjoyable day of fishing and the fishing was not that great but I was still outdoors and enjoying myself.


The water is very low up here, but with all the recent rains that will soon change.

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