6-16-2012 Sat
6:30 AM – 1:30 AM
Weather: (0653) calm, overcast, 72˚, 29.92 falling
(1453) SW 9, overcast, 77 ˚, 29.83 falling
(2153) S 6, light rain, 70 ˚, 29.84 rising
Water: 7.37 rising, 66.4 kcfs, 75 ˚, cloudy and clear (location variant)
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: LMB (40+) 10-17”, Pike (6) 17 – 25”/ Perch (15) 8 – 12”, bluegills 10 (6 – 9”) / bluegills (20) 6 – 8”, perch (5) 8 – 11”
Partners: myself and Terry C. / Ty, Max, Maddy/ Tom W.
I had the privilege of three different fishing trips yesterday. The first trip was with Terry targeting bass. Terry is an avid bass fisherman and it really showed in his ability. Once the fish were found, hooking up was not a problem. The first spot produced seven fish out of ten casts. Once again Senko’s, swim jigs, and of frogs produced the fish.
The next trip was with Ty and his two children. This trip was a pan fishing trip with a couple enthusiastic young anglers. Max had some fishing experience under his belt and was pretty accomplished for his age. Apparently dad had taught Max the importance of the hook set, as he had a pretty wicked one. I can definitely vouch for this as I got smacked in the face twice by this young angler’s pole; thank goodness I was wearing sunglasses. Maddy was a very young angler with very little fishing experience, but she did account for the biggest perch of the day. She was a good sport and always had a smile on her face. Most of the fish caught on this trip were perch, with a few bluegills also being caught.
The final trip of the day was a flat head fishing trip with Tom. We started out catching perch and bluegills for bait, and also kept some for Tom to take home for a meal. No flat heads made it boat side tonight, but we did have a miss and one break off. Tom wanted to use one of his own cat rods, and unfortunately they were not really set up properly. Guess which rod got all the action? Yes it was Tom’s; the pole with the wrong hook and weak line. Really it did not matter; we both had a good time.
It looks as if the water has stopped falling and is now going to rise about another foot.
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