Thursday, July 12, 2012

7-10-2012 Tue

7-10-2012 Tue (7:00 PM – 11:00 PM)
Weather: (1953) N 6, clear, 83˚, 30.09 rising
Water: 6.94 falling, 54.2 kcfs, 83 ˚, clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: Bait – approx., 12 bluegills, carp – 3 lb. flat head approx. 28 lbs.
Partners: myself


I fished tonight from 7 PM to 11 PM. The primary species I was after were flat heads, but in order to catch a flat head I needed bait. And the fish I needed for bait were bluegills. Catching the bluegills was rather quick and easy. The fish I caught were relating to some current next to rocks.
The next species on the agenda was small mouths, top water small mouths to be exact. They did not cooperate as well as the bluegills, but some were willing to go toe to toe with a Pop R. I actually caught more and bigger fish on a small jig tipped with a piece of crawler while I was probing for the bluegills.
The final fish species of the trifecta was the king of the whiskered fish, the flat head. In a very short order I had one twenty some pounder in the boat and after a quick picture it was released unharmed. I was not so fortunate with my next one; it managed to break off my lighter line leader. I use thirty pound fluorocarbon, so as when my line becomes snagged I can break the leader off, otherwise it is just too hard to break eighty pound braid. I swear if I lost my anchor rope I could use the braid in a pinch and be just fine.
On a final note, I talked to a friend of mine who was fishing at Stoddard yesterday and he said he saw at least one hundred dead pike. Has anybody else noticed any dead pike and if they have where? I caught lots of pike this spring, but since mid - May, I have seen very few. It makes me wonder if VHS is hitting the pike during these warmer temperatures.

The river is still dropping, but the flow and water temperature are still quite high.

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