Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4-7-13 Sun.

4-7-2013 Sun. 3:00 PM – 7:30 PM
(1453) N7overcast, 46 ˚29.94 falling
7.43 rising, 67kcfs, 48 ˚, clear with lots of floating algae
Mississippi River pool 7, Black Deer’s
Numerous bluegills and perch, 2 crappies, ample little largemouth bass, Scott kept about five perch and five bluegills.


I like to fish Black Deer’s Channel as soon as the ice goes out of the mouth, which makes it possible to access it. This year I am afraid I missed it by several days. We started fishing the way upper end, but the fish were not holding in their normal area for this time of year. Most of the fish came very close to the area where the walk in access is.
We caught fish on waxies, minnows and pieces of night crawlers with the night crawlers bringing the most fish to the boat. Most of the fish came from about four feet of water with very few fish in two feet of water or less. We never did catch a very large amount of fish in one spot, but had to continuously move to stay on active fish. The surface of the water was jammed with floating algae, which made fishing very difficult.


The water temperature was quite a bit warmer than I had anticipated and the algae balls made fishing rather difficult. The shoreline areas are still locked in winter grips, with an ample amount of ice on the western shoreline. The main lake is open, but the lake below highway 35 is still locked in ice.

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