Sunday, September 29, 2013

9-28-13 Sat

9-28-2013 Sat. 4:00 PM – 12:15 PM
Weather: rain and some wind the first 2.5 hours, then clear and relatively calm, 60 ˚
Water: Quite low, clear, 66 ˚
Location: Mississippi river pool 7
Caught: Bait: bluegills and crappies//flat heads: Marvin 42 & 10, Donte 25 & 10.
Partners: Marvin and Donte
It was my last guiding trip of the year and probably my last for a few years. It was Marvin’s second trip of the year and he was definitely looking forward to it. We started out fishing bluegills in the dredge holes on the lake, and it was relatively easy catching. In the morning the lake was full of boats, but this afternoon there was nobody out in the rain.
The flat heads bit fast and furious for about ten minutes right at sun down and then we had no more action till our fourth spot right around midnight. Donte missed several fish right away, but then he figured things out a little bit and was able to bring two into the boat.
Water is still very low and mostly clear. We have not had a frost yet, but the mosquitoes are few and far between.

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