Weather: clear, 53˚, W9, 30.08 falling
Water: clear, 49-54 ˚, 11.89 rising, 129 kcfs
Who: Myself and Scott
Caught: Me: 10 LMB 13-17”, 1 pike 26”
Scott: 8 LMB 14 – 20.5”
The water is almost at flood stage now, which makes locating the fish very difficult. All of our fish except one came from the south side of the lake. Most of my fish came on a rattle trap and Scott caught most of his on a spinner bait.
There is some aquatic vegetation beginning to push through the river bottom. On several occasions my bait would come back fouled with bits and pieces of arrowhead leaves. The water is very high; almost to flood stage, yet it is quite clear. The periwinkle plants are starting to bloom, but that is the only plants I have seen blooming yet this year.
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