Where: Dresbach Dam
Weather: clear, calm, 5°, 12” ice
Caught: one 15” walleye
It was my fist trip of the season fishing for walleyes through the ice below any of the dams. With the mild temperatures and the high river flow rates this season ice fishing below the dams has just not been possible.
As it is the fishing locations below the Dresbach Dam were very limited. Generally I like to be fishing alongside the short wall but there is no ice there this year. As it was I was able to fish just below and in line with the long wall.
The first spot I fished was about ten feet deep. I marked several fish in an hour, but had no bites. The second spot I fished was about ten yards out farther towards the main channel and was about fifteen feet deep. I marked a few fish and caught the one walleye there.
I did have one of my younger friends Adam stop by and we fished for about a half hour longer with no bites. He had been fishing at the French Island Power Plant and had caught a couple small eyes.
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