Where: Mississippi R. pool 4, Nelson, WI
Weather: (1553) N7, overcast, 54°
H2O: 9.6↑, 59 kcfs, 52 °, clear
Caught: Approx. Me: 10 pike 20-33”, 3 LMB 14-18”
Andy: 3 pike 20-24”
Observations: There is not a lot of aquatic vegetation yet springing to life in the backwaters. However, there is quite a bit of mill foil out in front of the resort. The cattail plants are beginning to send shoots skyward.
The weather was cold for the start of our annual pike fishing trip. I started the trip wearing long underwear and they stayed on while fishing the whole weekend.
The water was higher than it was last weekend; thank goodness for that. The fishing was not too bad tonight. The fish did not come easy but the action was fair.
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