June 27, 2016 Mon 630PM-9PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: (1853) N10, mostly cloudy, 74 °
H2O: 7.46↓, 59 kcfs, clear, ?°
Caught: 3 LMB 14-15”, 1 pike 23”
Observations: The water is relatively high but it is clear.
It was an after work stress reliever fishing outing. My goal was to catch as many fish as I had caught on Sunday, but in a lot fewer hours. I tied my number from yesterday but I did not beat it. However I did have more bites, I just did not capitalize on all the opportunities.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
June 26, 2016 Sun

Where: Mississippi R. pool 9, Black Hawk Island Park area
Weather: (1253) W12 G25, clear, 88 °
H2O: 7.32↓, 58 kcfs, Minnesota side dirty, ?°
Caught: bait: Me: 1-15” LMB, 2 SMB 12-14”, 1 rock bass
Scott: 2 LMB 14-15”, 1-15” walleye, 8 SMB 10-14”
Observations: The Minnesota side of the river was very muddy. But along the channel on the Wisconsin side the water was fairly clear.
Today was a marathon fishing outing with Scott, and I mean it was a true marathon! We started out fishing the Minnesota side and the fish were pretty much non-existent. I am very sure this was on account of the muddy conditions. I just have not figures out how to have consistent action during muddy conditions.
After about six hour of basically catching nothing, Scott finally came to the conclusion to try something else and hopeful find cleaner water. We moved to the Wisconsin side and found cleaner water and better fishing. But unfortunately for me I had lost my desire to fish anymore. Scott truly does not know or have enough sense on when to quit. I thought I was addicted, but he is well beyond addicted he is obsessed! I did try out my new sun protection garb that I go for father’s day, and I must say I did not mind wearing it.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
June 22, 2016 Sun
June 22, 2016 Sun 7PM-11PM-cat fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: (2053) SE9, cloudy with storms in vicinity, 75 °
H2O: 7.19↓, 57 kcfs, main channel and sloughs dirty, ?°
Caught: bait: 9 bluegills 5-7”, 2 flat heads 2 & 8 Lbs.
Observations: The rice is very thick this year and has spread to new areas on the lake. The rice plants are also starting to stand out of the water. The mosquitoes are just horrendous and can make for a miserable night if you are not prepared for them.
The night started out with the task of catching bait. It was not easy, but one of the man made islands held just enough active bluegills to satisfy my needs.
I fished two spots tonight on my favorite side channel off of the main channel. I quickly caught a fish at each spot, and that was the extent of the action. When the big fish bit, it hit so ferociously that the pole hitting the inside of the rod holder sounded like a baseball hitting the side of the boat.
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: (2053) SE9, cloudy with storms in vicinity, 75 °
H2O: 7.19↓, 57 kcfs, main channel and sloughs dirty, ?°
Caught: bait: 9 bluegills 5-7”, 2 flat heads 2 & 8 Lbs.
Observations: The rice is very thick this year and has spread to new areas on the lake. The rice plants are also starting to stand out of the water. The mosquitoes are just horrendous and can make for a miserable night if you are not prepared for them.
The night started out with the task of catching bait. It was not easy, but one of the man made islands held just enough active bluegills to satisfy my needs.
I fished two spots tonight on my favorite side channel off of the main channel. I quickly caught a fish at each spot, and that was the extent of the action. When the big fish bit, it hit so ferociously that the pole hitting the inside of the rod holder sounded like a baseball hitting the side of the boat.
June 19, 2016 Sun
June 19, 2016 Sun 4PM-920PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: (1753) S13, clear, 90°
H2O: 7.57↓, 61 kcfs, main channel and sloughs dirty,79°
Caught: 8 LMB 13-16”, 1 pike 25”
Observations: The water lilies are now blooming and the dragonflies and damselflies are numerous and darting here and there.
Fishing was very tough at the beginning of the outing. I caught one bass in the old river channel area on a frog and that was the extent of it.
After being frustrated for three hours I decided I needed to find some clean water if I was to have any consistent action. I headed up towards the Black River delta called Hammond Chute. The water up there was clear from the Black, but it was fast and held no fish. About the last hour of the night I found a good concentration of bass close to Hammond Chute. I caught them on both a frog and a jig. Once again the pitching technique shined!
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: (1753) S13, clear, 90°
H2O: 7.57↓, 61 kcfs, main channel and sloughs dirty,79°
Caught: 8 LMB 13-16”, 1 pike 25”
Observations: The water lilies are now blooming and the dragonflies and damselflies are numerous and darting here and there.
Fishing was very tough at the beginning of the outing. I caught one bass in the old river channel area on a frog and that was the extent of it.
After being frustrated for three hours I decided I needed to find some clean water if I was to have any consistent action. I headed up towards the Black River delta called Hammond Chute. The water up there was clear from the Black, but it was fast and held no fish. About the last hour of the night I found a good concentration of bass close to Hammond Chute. I caught them on both a frog and a jig. Once again the pitching technique shined!
June 17, 2016 Fri
June 17, 2016 Fri 630PM-9PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: S10, clear, 80°
H2O: 7.32↑, 58 kcfs, main channel and sloughs dirty,? °
Caught: 3 LMB 14-16”, 1 pike 25”
Observations: The water is very dirty right now. The key to catching fish is finding clean water. The aquatic vegetation is quite abundant and thick right now.
I fished the same areas I have fished the last couple of outings. The bass were not as numerous or as aggressive as they have been. Once again pitching was the go to technique.
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: S10, clear, 80°
H2O: 7.32↑, 58 kcfs, main channel and sloughs dirty,? °
Caught: 3 LMB 14-16”, 1 pike 25”
Observations: The water is very dirty right now. The key to catching fish is finding clean water. The aquatic vegetation is quite abundant and thick right now.
I fished the same areas I have fished the last couple of outings. The bass were not as numerous or as aggressive as they have been. Once again pitching was the go to technique.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
June 12, 2016 Sun
June 12, 2016 Sun 6PM-9PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: S6, clear, 71°
H2O: 7.6↓, 61 kcfs, clear, ? °
Caught: 3 LMB 16-16”, 2 pike 24-26”
The cattails are starting to bloom and pollinate. I tried some cattail pods tonight and did not think much of them. The wild rice is still flat on the surface of the water.
Tonight I was trying a new technique: pitching. I was not too good at it but I did enjoy the action that it created. It was really quite fun. If I got a bite or caught a fish it happened as soon as the bait hit the water
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: S6, clear, 71°
H2O: 7.6↓, 61 kcfs, clear, ? °
Caught: 3 LMB 16-16”, 2 pike 24-26”
The cattails are starting to bloom and pollinate. I tried some cattail pods tonight and did not think much of them. The wild rice is still flat on the surface of the water.
Tonight I was trying a new technique: pitching. I was not too good at it but I did enjoy the action that it created. It was really quite fun. If I got a bite or caught a fish it happened as soon as the bait hit the water
June 11, 2016 Sat
June 11, 2016 Sat (AM) 8AM-2PM-walleye fishing by myself
(PM) flat head fishing with Scott
Where: (AM) Mississippi R. pool 4 Lake Pepin
(PM) Mississippi R. Pool 7
Weather: (AM) calm, clear, 94°
(PM) calm, clear, 80°
H2O: Pool 4, 9.8↓, 48 kcfs, clear, 75 °
Pool 7, 7.79↓, 63 kcfs, clear, 75 °
Caught: Pool 4, 1-14” LMB, 1-22” pike, 1-20” drum, 1-10” perch, 1-21”catfish, 2-SMB 6&15”
Pool 7 1-8lb flat head
Observations: I was 2-3 weeks too late for the peak of the walleye bite on Lake Pepin. The shallow bays were already weeded in.
The fishing was not very good on Lake Pepin; I definitely missed the good bite this year. The landing and lake were very crowded on account of a walleye tournament that was taking place out of Lake City. Ironically I went a little ways up the Chippewa River and that is where I caught two of my fish.
The flat head bite has definitely slowed! We only caught one fish and had a couple other feeble bites.
(PM) flat head fishing with Scott
Where: (AM) Mississippi R. pool 4 Lake Pepin
(PM) Mississippi R. Pool 7
Weather: (AM) calm, clear, 94°
(PM) calm, clear, 80°
H2O: Pool 4, 9.8↓, 48 kcfs, clear, 75 °
Pool 7, 7.79↓, 63 kcfs, clear, 75 °
Caught: Pool 4, 1-14” LMB, 1-22” pike, 1-20” drum, 1-10” perch, 1-21”catfish, 2-SMB 6&15”
Pool 7 1-8lb flat head
Observations: I was 2-3 weeks too late for the peak of the walleye bite on Lake Pepin. The shallow bays were already weeded in.
The fishing was not very good on Lake Pepin; I definitely missed the good bite this year. The landing and lake were very crowded on account of a walleye tournament that was taking place out of Lake City. Ironically I went a little ways up the Chippewa River and that is where I caught two of my fish.
The flat head bite has definitely slowed! We only caught one fish and had a couple other feeble bites.
Friday, June 10, 2016
June 8, 2016 Wed
June 8, 2016 Wed 6PM-930PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: S3, clear, 76°
H2O: 8.1↑, 66 kcfs, clear, ? °
Caught: 9 LMB 14-17”, 2 pike 20-26”
Observations: The duckweed is really starting to grow and spread and it starting to form a canopy over the waters surface in areas without current.
The fishing was very good tonight. The vast majority of the fish were caught on a swim jig. Most of the fish were relating to shallow side channels and were hanging close to the weed edges. I did catch my first bass of the night on a rubber frog in the slop. This was the second bass of the year on a frog.
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: S3, clear, 76°
H2O: 8.1↑, 66 kcfs, clear, ? °
Caught: 9 LMB 14-17”, 2 pike 20-26”
Observations: The duckweed is really starting to grow and spread and it starting to form a canopy over the waters surface in areas without current.
The fishing was very good tonight. The vast majority of the fish were caught on a swim jig. Most of the fish were relating to shallow side channels and were hanging close to the weed edges. I did catch my first bass of the night on a rubber frog in the slop. This was the second bass of the year on a frog.
June 6, 2016 Mon
June 6, 2016 Mon 7PM-930PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: NW15, light rain, 65°
H2O: 7.7↑, 63 kcfs, dirty
Caught: 25” pike, 15” LMB, 14” walleye
Observations: The water is fairly high and dirty; which is quite normal for early June. The rice is on top of the water but it is not yet standing.
I wanted to hit one of my favorite spots on the Black River tonight. I was going to fish where the Black dumps into the Mississippi river about in the middle of pool 7. When I got there I was disappointed with the conditions; the water was high, fast and muddy. I did managed to scratch out a few fish tonight, but it was tough.
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: NW15, light rain, 65°
H2O: 7.7↑, 63 kcfs, dirty
Caught: 25” pike, 15” LMB, 14” walleye
Observations: The water is fairly high and dirty; which is quite normal for early June. The rice is on top of the water but it is not yet standing.
I wanted to hit one of my favorite spots on the Black River tonight. I was going to fish where the Black dumps into the Mississippi river about in the middle of pool 7. When I got there I was disappointed with the conditions; the water was high, fast and muddy. I did managed to scratch out a few fish tonight, but it was tough.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
June 4, 2016 Sat
June 4, 2016 Sat 630PM-830PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: W10, cloudy, 70°
H2O: 7.6↑, 61 kcfs, dirty to clear
Caught: 1-23” pike, 16” LMB
It was an afternoon of I have to get out of this house and go fishing type of trip. I have been struggling of late trying to catch largemouth bass and tonight was no exception. The only area I had any action was out by Somners Chute.
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: W10, cloudy, 70°
H2O: 7.6↑, 61 kcfs, dirty to clear
Caught: 1-23” pike, 16” LMB
It was an afternoon of I have to get out of this house and go fishing type of trip. I have been struggling of late trying to catch largemouth bass and tonight was no exception. The only area I had any action was out by Somners Chute.
June 1, 2016 Wed
June 1, 2016 Wed 7PM-12AM-cat fishing with Scott
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: W15, 72°, clear
H2O: 6.92↑, 54 kcfs, 73 °, semi – Clear
Caught: Bait but no flat heads or catfish
The cat-fishing trip tonight was really a bust. First, we struggled to catch bait, and then we could not coax any cats into biting. It was the worst cat trip of the year. We are now at that time of year where the spawn will commence and the fishing will be spotty. I plan on taking it easy on the cat fishing over the next month.
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: W15, 72°, clear
H2O: 6.92↑, 54 kcfs, 73 °, semi – Clear
Caught: Bait but no flat heads or catfish
The cat-fishing trip tonight was really a bust. First, we struggled to catch bait, and then we could not coax any cats into biting. It was the worst cat trip of the year. We are now at that time of year where the spawn will commence and the fishing will be spotty. I plan on taking it easy on the cat fishing over the next month.
May 30, 2016 Mon
May 30, 2016 Mon 4PM-830PM-bass fishing by myself
Where: Mississippi R. pool 6
Weather: (Approx.) calm, 82°, sunny
H2O: 6.58↑, 49 kcfs, 72 °, semi – Clear
Caught: 8 small mouth bass 12-17”, 2 LMB 16&17”, 1 pike 23”
The bass fishing was not fantastic, but I did okay catching small mouths. The fish were not on the main channel rocks with all the current but they were located on a side channel with rocks and reduced current. In fact I believe these fish were still on the spawn beds because I saw some that looked new. The majority of the fish were caught on a wacky rigged Senko.
Where: Mississippi R. pool 6
Weather: (Approx.) calm, 82°, sunny
H2O: 6.58↑, 49 kcfs, 72 °, semi – Clear
Caught: 8 small mouth bass 12-17”, 2 LMB 16&17”, 1 pike 23”
The bass fishing was not fantastic, but I did okay catching small mouths. The fish were not on the main channel rocks with all the current but they were located on a side channel with rocks and reduced current. In fact I believe these fish were still on the spawn beds because I saw some that looked new. The majority of the fish were caught on a wacky rigged Senko.
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