Where: Mississippi R. pool 9, Black Hawk Island Park area
Weather: (1253) W12 G25, clear, 88 °
H2O: 7.32↓, 58 kcfs, Minnesota side dirty, ?°
Caught: bait: Me: 1-15” LMB, 2 SMB 12-14”, 1 rock bass
Scott: 2 LMB 14-15”, 1-15” walleye, 8 SMB 10-14”
Observations: The Minnesota side of the river was very muddy. But along the channel on the Wisconsin side the water was fairly clear.
Today was a marathon fishing outing with Scott, and I mean it was a true marathon! We started out fishing the Minnesota side and the fish were pretty much non-existent. I am very sure this was on account of the muddy conditions. I just have not figures out how to have consistent action during muddy conditions.
After about six hour of basically catching nothing, Scott finally came to the conclusion to try something else and hopeful find cleaner water. We moved to the Wisconsin side and found cleaner water and better fishing. But unfortunately for me I had lost my desire to fish anymore. Scott truly does not know or have enough sense on when to quit. I thought I was addicted, but he is well beyond addicted he is obsessed! I did try out my new sun protection garb that I go for father’s day, and I must say I did not mind wearing it.
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