7-10 thru 714–18
Where/What: Mississippi R. pool 7 bass fishing
Weather: mostly hot and humid, with temps in the upper 80’s to lower 90’s
H20: High and still around 10’, the water temperature is around 80º
Caught: Not a lot of bass pre fishing but did catch a lot during the tournament
Observations: The river is still hight for this time of year. There is a ample growth of aquatic vegetation, although the milfoil is not as wide spread this year. Also, there are large concentrations of minnows in certain areas.
I had a bass tournament out of trempealeau this Saturday. It was put on by the Lions Club as another fundraiser for Catfish Days. I had been searching for bass all week prior to Saturday. Let me state it this way, my pre fishing was not very good.
tournament day went fairly well. We did not place but we came in around 10th out of 80 boats. Not what I wanted, I was fishing to at least place. My first spot I was very surprised there was not already a boat there. You see we were in the last flight and one of the last boats to take off, and it did not help that I have a slower boat. Anyway I was very excited to see we had our first spot to ourselves. But, it soon became apparent why, there were no bass there. Our first five fish were dog fish!
I knew the bass I had found earlier in the week had not gone too far. We made a short move and it was bass on. we caught lots of bass and never really had to move to far, we pretty much worked over the one spot all day. We ended up with 17.22 pounds with our six fish limit. It we would have hit the 18 pound mark we would have cashed a check.
One very unique thing that happened was one of the bass that was being carried with the other bass in a bag filled with water to the weigh in scale spit up a bird that it had eaten. I have never seen a fish eat a bird, but thought it could be possible and now I had the proof.