Where/What: Mississippi R. pool 8 bass fishing
Weather: (1053) S17 G23, 88º, clear, 30.13 steady
H20: 80º, very clear in Stoddard, dingy to fairly clear by Goose Island, 10.38 rising, 97 kcfs
Caught: Approx. 6 LMB
Observations: The water around Stoddard is extremely clear. there is also a great abundance of wild rice on this pool. The wild rice is definitely taking over other species of aquatic plants. I also heard quite a few bull frogs on this pool.
The fishing was not too bad down by Stoddard, but when I moved north up by Goose Island the bass vanished. I did however catch two walleyes up there and I think if I would have targeted them I might of ended up with a few. The majority of the fish I caught today came off of a swim jig.

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