Where/What: Mississippi R. pool 7 flat head fishing with Scott

Weather: (1853) W8, 86º, clear, 30.02 rising
H20: 83º, clear, 5.84 falling, 42 kcfs
Caught: Bait - bluegills and crappies. Me: 17 & 34 LB flat heads, Scott: 29 LB flat head
Observations: The water level on this pool has gotten quite low. In fact it is even hard to get out to the main channel. I do not blame that on the low water levels, but more on the sedimentation that is going on in the back sloughs. The wild celery is having a great growing season whereas the wild rice is struggling. And oh my gosh, the bugs are a plague. There are very numerous and everywhere.
Fishing was good tonight. To begin with the bait catching was fairly easy. The gills were lacking on the rocks and in the wood along the main channel, but they were quite numerous in the back channels on the wood. We had a good cat night. We had five bites and caught three nice flat heads.
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