Day 259-106 to go
1-2-1- Sat
Weather: N8, clear, 2°, 30.51 rising
Water conditions: 639.84 falling, 23 kcfs, 18”, clear
Pool 7 – Lake Onalask
1. Crappies (6) 8-14”, Lil Cecil (kept 5)
2. Bluegills (aprox.25) 4-7.5", Lil Cecil (kept 4)
got out for a couple hours this afternoon. My hopes were to catch some lunker crappie, but I would take anything. After drilling four holes at different locations I found what I was looking for; decent depth and marks on the locator.
Right off the bat I had marks coming off the bottom to meet my offering, but very few takers. My next strategy was to put the camera down in the underwater world and see what the heck was really going on. Just as I had figured, Bluegills and lots of small ones. Since I was using a Lil Cecil tipped with a waxy they were a little hesitant to commit. Just as I was comtemplating a bait change-up to a more suitable bluegill gathering piece, it happened. From the darkness came a broad shoulder crappie intent on inhaling my poor little cecil! It looked like a linebacker blitzing the quarterback and no bluegills were going to stand in its way.
Unfotunately I did not have a tape, but it was easily two inches longer than the biggest one I kept, and that was 12". The good news is that fish was released to hopefully make someone elses day and hopefully someone after that! All in all it was a pleasant afternoon of fishing and I even kept a few for a meal.
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