Day 285-80 to go
1-28-10 Thr
Weather: N9, clear, 6°, 30.52 falling (12:53PM)
Water conditions: 639.7' steady, 20.2kcfs, slightly cloudy, 20" ice (Pool 7)
5.08' steady, 24.8 kcfs, clear, 20" ice (Pool 8)
Mississippi R, Pool 7- Lake Onalaska (weed flats)
Mississippi R, Pool 8 - French Slough
1. Bluegills (30) 4-8", orange ice jig
2. Pumpkin seed 7", orange ice jig
3. Large mouth bass 14", orange ice jig
4. Crappie 10", Lil Cecil
What a day of fishing on my day off! I had planned on taking my airboat out to do a little exploring, but it was just too cold for a boat ride.
Plan two was to explore the weed flats of Lake Onalaska by truck. My exploration was a little unorthodox; I would drill a hole next to the drivers door, get back in the truck and lower the camera into the underwater world from the comfort of my truck. It took about ten holes and a half-mile distance to find what I was looking for: fish!
The fish were quite active, and I caught and released a good number of dandy size gills. If you look closely at the picture of the bluegill you can even see a bluegill in the camera. The aquatic world did not have just bluegills parading around below me. I saw a good number of bass and an occasional northern with an attitude. I actually had two different northerns repeatedly bump my fish camera with their mouths. I even snagged one by the fin, but with one powerful sweep of its tail it was gone and so was my jig!
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