5-16-2010 Sun
Weather: E3, mostly cloudy, 62°, 30.14 steady
H2O: 4.82 falling, 1.88kcfs // 640.55 rising, 42.9 kcfs, 63°
Caught : 1) Bluegills (6) 6-7" - used for bait
2) Channel Cat 11 lb 5oz - blue gill
3) Flat Head (2) 30 lb 4oz, 8 lb 10 oz - blue gill
Location: Mississippi R and tributaries - pool 7
Tonight was my first night of catting for the season. I was hopping to catch at least one cat, but I was surprised to catch three. I had planned to use suckers for bait, but the chain sporting goods store had none and the local shop was charging three bucks apiece for the rubber lipped cat magnets. I felt like I was being gouged, but I reluctantly bought three. I rounded out my weapons stockpile by catching a half dozen bluegills that were a little bigger than I prefer.
The first spot produced almost immediate action, with a very healthy channel cat. An hour later I had my second fish; a beauty of a flat head in the thirty pound class. After a couple of hours I moved to another location and was rewarded with an eight pounder.
My maiden cat outing was very successful and I did not even forget any important gear!
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