5-6-2010 Thr
Weather: N6, a few clouds, 58°, 29.95 rising
H2O: 639.92 steady, 32.5 kcfs, 62°, lake dirty, main channel clear
1) LMB 12" - spinner bait
2) LMB (3) 16", 12", 15.5" - crank bait
3) W. Bass 16" - crank bait
4) Walleye (9) 16"(kept), 12", 15.5" (kept), 16" (kept), 17", 17", 18", 20", 13.5" - crank bait
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7, Lake Onalaska, Main channel, and back sloughs
The last couple of days have been extremely windy, consequently the lake is quite dirty. I should have known better that to try for pike on the big water. When the water is dirty and muddy I have almost not luck catching pike. I casted spinnerbaits and buzzbaits for about a half hour on the lake and all I caught was a small bass. I moved out to the rock islands and quickly caught two walleyes on crank baits. This clued me in on the walleye bite.
Next, I headed out to the main channel and some rock structure looking for those bug eyed fish. The water clarity on the main channel was very good, but I caught no fish. My next stop was some back water sand drops. A few spots produced nothing, but it was not too long before I hit the jack pot. I had found the walleyes and they were very aggressive!
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