4-2-2011 Sat
2:30 PM- 6:30 PM
Weather: Clear, NW 10 , 55 degrees, 29.87steady
H2O: 11.83', rising, 127 kcfs, very clear, 42 degrees
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 Upper end of Black Deer's
Caught: Lots of bluegills (some nice ones) lots of small perch and one 14" large mouth bass
Partners: Jake, Mark and Cole Tupper
I invited Jake and his two boys to come down fishing. I had promied him lots of fish and after we got done fishing we would have a feast with the freshly caught bounty. It did not take long for me to start back-pedaling on my promise of fish on every cast. After one hour and nothing to show for our effert I was feeling pretty uneasy.
Then it happened; after our fourth spot we were on the fish and evryone was happy. Mark was the king of the fisherman today, and Cole became the official fish un-hooker for Jake and I. After several hours of non-stop action we decided to call it a day and head to the house to clean our catch and enjoy some deep fried golden panfish fillets.
The water up towards the end of the channel by Tim Mierers was very clear, and the fish seemed to be in a very specific spot just down a few residences from his house. I talked to Kyle and he had caught a few bass on a senko. I asked him what the water temperature was and he said it was around 42 degrees.
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