Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4-25-2011 Mon
5:30 PM- 7:30 PM

Weather: E 7, G 17, cloudy, 63 ˚, 29.73 mb, falling

H2O: 10.9’, falling, 108 kcfs, clear, 53 ˚

Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 (Upper mid-pool)

Caught: Eleven largemouth bass, one smallmouth bass and 10 pike (the largest of the largemouth bass was eighteen inches and the largest pike was 33 inches respectively)
Partners: None


The day started out as a beautiful spring day, plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the sixty’s. But of course it did not last. By the time I got off work and onto the water it was windy and threatening rain!
I hit the same areas I had fished yesterday with Scott, and I also added some new water I had never fished before. With this high water it is presenting some new fishing spots that would normally be too shallow. I did catch fish in just about every area I tried, and some of the spots were extremely shallow. The fish were relating to sunken stumps or remnant weed patches that survived the winter intact.
My go to bait tonight was a Terminator spinner bait adorned with a plastic grub along with the normal skirt and a trailer hook. The trailer was a definite necessity, the fish were just nipping at the skirt and a lot of the fish were caught on the trailer. The last half hour I switched to a rattle trap and convinced a couple more bass to bite.
The wind was considerable and boat control was tough, but the fish seem to be more active with a strong wind. It rocked and socked me and pushed me into some pretty skinny water, but I was catching fish and that is what matters!


The water is steadily falling, rising in temperature and very clear. I did notice carp are starting to move into the areas I have been fishing, I expect the water to get quite turbid with their arrival.

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