8-17-2011 Wed
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
H2O: 7.86 falling, 68.2 kcfs, 75 ˚, clear
Weather: AM –NW 7, clear, 78 ˚, 30.06 falling / PM – calm, clear, 68 ˚, 30.01 steady
Location: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: AM - the boys and I caught quite a few bluegills but the size and numbers was not fantastic / PM – lots of bluegills for bait (smaller gills between 5-6 inches, 3 flat heads 8, 17 and 31 pounds
Partners: Derek, Kyle Mark and Autumn
I started out the morning taking my nephews out for some fishing, lunch and fun in the sun. We all caught some bluegills, but it was not really very good. Fortunately we did have enough action to keep the boys interested.
Kyle was a very good fisherman for his age. I taught him how to cast and in a short time he had mastered that and was fishing mostly on his own. He also showed very good patience. For some reason he had no interest in touching the fish or worms though. Mark on the other hand got bored when the fish were not biting, but he did find other things to play with to keep himself occupied. Mark was definitely not afraid to touch the worms or fish; he is really a hands on type of kid and very inquisitive. Derek was Derek. He enjoyed the moment and stayed rather quiet.
In the evening I went out flat head fishing by myself. The flatheads have been pretty active, and I thought tonight would be a good night. The first spot I set up in was Somners Chute in about twenty-five feet of water. I fished here for about forty-five minutes (thirty minutes before dark and fifteen after). The first spot I fish I usually give the most time to, but if I have not caught a fish within an hour it is definitely time to move on. My theory for flat heads is prime time is sunset to about fifteen minutes after dark.
The next spot I set up on was a side channel right off and parallel to the main channel. Within a very short period of time (twenty minutes) I had caught three flat heads and missed two others.
I definitely had a flurry of action that corresponded with the moon rise! I tried to set up on some shore ward sides of wing dams, but the current was too much for the anchors to hold.
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