Tuesday, November 29, 2011

11-22-2011 Tue

11-22-2011 Tue
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Weather: SW8, overcast, 23˚ (1200), 10” snow cover
Location: Moose Junction, WI
Bagged: nothing
Partners: myself, Mark, Jake, and Mark Jr. Tupper, and Donnie


It was the fourth day of deer season and Dick had already left. After He left I asked everyone if they would miss his dogs and no one would reply. I took that as a no we will not miss the dogs.
I had to go to Duluth this morning and pick up my TWIC card, so that took up about three hours. Then this afternoon I have to head to the cities and pick Autumn up around 5PM (what a treat driving in the city at rush hour). After I picked up my card and made it back to the cabin I had some time to kill. I did need to get my tree stand out of the woods, so I decided to make a little drive to Mark Jr. in the process.
In the process of the drive I crossed a good sized lone track that I figured was a buck. I decided I could not ignore this new found hot track and had to pursue it. I followed the track for a couple hundred yards until it turned into a bedded spike. It took me awhile to discern the antlers from the surrounding brush, but once I did I could definitely see it was a small antlered spike. I eased my way away from the buck and continued to go to my stand; remove it and then continue on to Mark.
Dick had told me how he had been through the area yesterday and how much sign there was. Well there was some sign, but it was really quite dismal. I am sure I will be re-thinking this spot as a stand location for next year.


One deer was shot today by Mark Sr. and most everybody else except for Donnie saw a deer today.

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