11-6-2011 Sun
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Weather: SW 22 G 31, clear, 60˚, 29.79 rising (1453)
Location: Mississippi River Islands Pool 7
Bagged: Nothing
Partners: Tom w, Larysa, Brad
Tom had called me earlier in the week and asked if I was interested in taking his friend Brad and a girl that was doing a hunting film out on the islands for some deer drives. He explained that brad was the camera man and was a good friend of his and he had already had some places to hunt lined up, but he thought some exposure to the river and deer drives may be toward their liking. I was not quite sure about this and told him I would get back to him. He said take a look at her website which is www.larysaunleashed.com . Well I looked at it and she was a very pretty woman, I was even more intimidated!
We met up at the house at noon on Sunday, made our introductions and got ready for the hunt. I was quickly at ease with both her and Brad. All I remember is making some dumb comment about her shoes and if she was wearing them hunting, of course I knew she was not but I was just trying to loosen things up a bit. Since Brad was a friend of Tom’s I had an idea what he would be like, I figured he must be deep into hunting and probably had a sense of humor.
We headed off to one of my favorite islands for deer drives and we made our plans and I set Larysa and Brad up at a perfect squeeze point. I told Larysa that the deer would more than likely be coming fast and that they may not stop, so be ready. The drive worked out perfectly; I chased a smaller six to eight point buck past them. I reached them and asked what they had seen; they were both in somewhat of a fight mode. Larysa was unsure if she wanted to shoot a smaller buck and Brad thought she should have. Let me tell you, when deer are being driven to you there is not any time for hesitation. I graciously got between them and told them to break it up as there would be other opportunities.
We hit the next island to the north and ran a little fork or six pointer by them. Again, no arrows were unleashed, I am assuming because of the small size of the deer or perhaps a shot just did not present itself. The night ended with one more drive and no more seen deer. It was a long, quiet ride in with a beautiful sunset, and two new friends in my boat.
The first island we drove (Skull Island) had ample deer sign and ample acorns. The next island north of Hammond Chute had very little deer sign.
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