2-18-2012 Sat
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Weather: W 3, sunny, 34˚, 30.25 steady (1153)
Water: 620.67 rising, 10.7 kcfs, clear
Location: Mississippi River Upper Pool 9 – Genoa Dam tail waters
Caught: combined catch of approximately 25 saugers and 10 walleyes, 2 sturgeon and one gar most fish were small, but we did keep three saugers
Partners: myself and Scott
Scott and I made the road trip to Genoa today hoping to catch a few decent eyes. Scott was here last night and did all right, so our expectations were high. Even though our expectations were high our results were not. The bite was slow in the morning and almost non-existent in the afternoon.
We started off a distance to the south of the dam and caught the three keeper saugers, rough fish and some small walleyes mixed in. Our next stop was directly below the dam in 35 – 60 feet of water. This area provided consistent sauger action, but they were all small. At the end the day we ran back down stream to where we had started in the morning, but the bite was dead.
The water is in very good shape; if anything it is quite low. The low water makes vertical jigging very easy. Along with the water being low it is extremely clear. In the morning and again at night we were forced to deal with forming ice sheets.
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