2-19-2012 Sun
3:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Weather: calm, sunny, 32˚, 30.14 steady
Water: 3.15 rising, .64 kcfs, clear
Location: Black River Back Bay
Caught: two pike 20 and 22”
Partners: myself
It was a quick Sunday afternoon fishing trip. I had my sights on pike, but I was also using the camera to see what else was lurking under the frozen surface. I managed to catch two pike rather quickly, but the last hour and one half was dead.
I did see a few bluegills and perch under the ice, but the numbers were not big. Surprisingly the fish I did see the most of were dog fish. Every time I bounced the camera off the bottom and stirred up debris into the water column one would show up. I am not sure if they were aggressive or just curious.
The water in the bay is not deep, but there is enough to hold fish. The only part of the conditions I did not like was there was not a lot of weed growth, and the weeds that were present were covered with moss.
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