3-22-2012 Thr
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Weather: S 9, overcast, 71˚, 29.97 steady
Water: 7.15’ falling, 59.1 kcfs, 59 ˚, clear
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: 16 LMB 10-16”, 4 pike 24-28”
Partners: Myself
Tonight was my first trip into the home back waters. Every spring I look forward to fishing for largemouth bass and pike when the back bays hit at least 50 degrees. Unbelievably I think the temps have been there for the past week.
I really did not expect a lot of action on account of how early we are in the calendar year, but I was pleasantly surprised on how active the fish were. Right from the get go I had three bass and four pike that made it boat side. After moving down the shoreline the action really subsided. The last half hour of day light I came back to my original starting point and it was lights out on the largemouth. I could have caught many more, but I had a couple of anglers intensely watching me so I played off on these active bass.
I caught fish on rattle traps, spinner baits and the good old senko. I would have to rate the senko as the top bait. As always after the bass tire of a bait throw out a senko and you will almost always be rewarded with more fish.
The back waters are very clear, but the weed growth is already exploding and with the low water it makes fishing somewhat difficult.
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