3-4-2012 Sun
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Weather: N 9, mostly cloudy, 32˚, 29.91 rising
Water: cloudy, 5-06 rising, 10” ice
Location: south of Alma and north of Winona
Caught: lots of small bluegills with a few decent ones and a few decent perch, I kept three bluegills and two perch
Partners: myself, Scott, Jake
Since we had done so miserably yesterday at the cabin, we decided to hit some waters a little closer to home. If you know me, I prefer the Mississippi over a lake any day!
The first spot south of Alma produced a couple small perch for me and nothing for either Jake or Scott. We marked plenty of fish on our locators, but they would not bite. I have to believe it was on account of how much fishing pressure was put on them this winter.
Spot two produced a little better. It did take a little searching to find them but after about a dozen holes fish were spotted on the locator in about twelve feet of water. We caught plenty of fish the first hour, but then the bite diminished drastically. Unfortunately the majority of the fish were five to six inches.
Mobility on the ice down here was a breeze; there was only a trace of snow on top of the ice and it made for good traction. The only issue we had was making our way on and off the ice on account of the ice was separating from the shoreline and was quite weak next to the open water
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