4-3-2012 Tue
5:15 PM – 7:45 PM
Weather: NE 12, clear, 60 ˚, 29.97 rising
Water: 5.36’ steady, 55 ˚, 31.2 kcfs, turbid
Location: Mississippi River, pool 7
Caught: 3 LMB 2-13”, 1-17” / 1 Pike 32”
Partners: Myself
Tonight I planned to explore. Explore I did, but I did not catch anything exploring. It was once again brutally windy out on the exposed lake. I tried areas on the main lake, and some areas near the dredge holes, but the only places I could catch fish were my old standard fish holding areas.
I did learn something new tonight. I still do not like monofilament line. I tried some mono while fishing with a senko and had a hard time hooking the fish; there was just too much stretch. I have come to the conclusion that mono my only be good for crank bait fishing walleyes when some stretch and give is important to keep the fish hooked.
The flowering apple trees are in full bloom, but the fruit apple trees in Terry’s yard have not yet bloomed.
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