4-5-2012 Thr
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Weather: SE 7, clear, 56 ˚, 30.10 rising
Water: 5.27’ falling, 52 ˚, 29.1 kcfs, turbid
Location: Mississippi River, pool 7
Caught: 2 LMB 12 & 15” / 1 Pike 23”
Partners: Myself
Tonight I fished the west side of the south barrier island. I have never really fished this entire stretch and I wanted to see if there were stumps, weeds, or fish. I did find some fish and weeds but no stumps. I caught a pike in the beginning on the north end, and then I got into a few bass about two thirds of the way down the island. I caught two bass and must have missed four others all in a small spot. It seems as if the cooling water temperatures have knocked some of the aggression out of the fish.
The apple trees are blooming and the lilacs are partially in bloom; they seem to be in a state of confusion.
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