N5, clear, 77 ˚, 29.84 steady
8.76 falling, 78.2 kcfs, dingy, 68 ˚
Mississippi R. pool 8
4 LMB , 2 SMB, 4 pike, 1 white bass
Andy and Richy (clients)
I took Andy and Richy out today for some backwater fishing and sightseeing. They were in town on business and wanted to experience the river on a personal basis. Andy was hoping to see a hatch of mayflies, but I told him it was too early and that usually takes place around July 4th. The guys were impressed with the vastness and beauty of the backwaters; they particularly liked seeing all the bald eagles.
The fishing conditions are changing rapidly now with the dropping of the water levels and the rising of its temperatures. I had been finding bass and pike up until Tuesday relating to current breaks, but Tuesday all fish came from dead water with plenty of vegetation. Andy and Richy caught largemouth bass, small mouth bass, northern and Richy even brought a very large dogfish to the boat and unfortunately, or should I say fortunately for me it got off. Andy caught two new species of fish he had never caught before a small mouth and a pike. The baits that got the most response from the fish were buzz baits, Senko’s and Ribbit Frogs. It was a great day to be on the water with a couple of southern gentlemen.
The water is still quite dingy, but the level is still going down ever so slowly. Once again the cotton wood fluff was layered on the surface of the water.
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