Friday, June 14, 2013

6-13-13 Thr.

6-13-2013 Thr. 7:30 PM – 11:45 PM

(2053) calm, a few clouds, 70 ˚, 30.04 rising
8.57 falling, 76.8 kcfs, dingy, 70 ˚
Mississippi R. pool 7
Approx. 20 bluegills, 3 flat heads 4, 8 & 12 lbs.


Tonight was a flat head fishing trip, and a blue gill and pike scouting trip. We never really did find but one area that held bluegills, and I only saw one pike all night. That fish jumped completely out of the water to snag my buzz bait, but it completely missed it.
We fished one spot where I had fished in the past and one spot where I had never fished. Both of the spots were very close to each other, and they were both along a side channel just off the main channel of the river. The fish were quite active tonight; they hit the bait with some aggression.


There is still lots of flow out on the main channel, with a pretty serious drop or rise depending upon which way you cross it, over the closing dam on Somner’s Chute.

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