Weather: (2353) SE5, clear, 73˚, 29.89 falling
Water: 10.9 rising, 110 kcfs, 76˚, muddy
Where: Mississippi R. pool 7
Caught: All: bait, Pete: 15 lb. flat head
I had a couple friends from the Baldwin area down for the weekend flat head fishing. We have always talked about them coming down to fish but this was the first time that we were to do it. Our original plans were for them to come down in July, but because they are big bear hunters and they hunt bear every year, June just was a better choice. However, it sure was not the best choice for fishing flats. With the water being extremely high, I knew it wold be tough.
Our first spot was the best and only spot that we had any action at. Pete caught the one 15 pound flat and Todd missed one. Our two spots after that were a total bust.
When we got back to the landing Scott was waiting for us. He had also been out fishing with a buddy and they got three, but he was not there to tell us that. Someone had ran into the fender on his trailer and bent the bracket into the tire, and he was unable to move the trailer on account of this. Luckily Pete was along and with his ingenuity he was able to rectify the situation.
The water is still rising and very muddy. All our bait came from along the railroad tracks just downstream from the airport lights.

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