6-7-2014 Sat 1PM-8:30PM myself & Scott, St Croix Flowage and Bear Lake
Weather: 6-6(1355) Duluth W12, sunny, 79˚, 29.90 rising
6-7(1330)Danbury NE8, overcast, 55 ˚, 30.02 rising (it rained all night and most of the morning).
Water: St Louis R, 72-74 ˚, dirty and high
St Croix Flowage clear, very weedy, 68 ˚
Bear stained, high, 66 ˚
Caught: St. Louis: 1-41.5” musky, 3 small pike
St Croix Flowage: lots of small pike with one 28” and some decent largemouth bass
Bear Lake: 1-42” musky, several small pike
It was my annual spring fishing trip up to the cabin. Unfortunately we did not hit the small mouths up in Ashland, but instead concentrated on musky fishing. Friday we spent the day up in Duluth fishing the St Louis River. If it would not have been for Scott catching a musky on his third cast it would have been a bust. The water was very dirty and high and too warm for the pike to be active.
Saturday we fished the St Croix Flowage. I mainly fished for pike while Scott punished himself searching for muskies. We both caught lots of small pike and I also caught some largemouth bass, but no muskies were caught. This was a new body of water for us to fish and it has a ton of weeds almost everywhere.
We finished off Saturday night fishing my favorite musky lake not too far from the cabin. We both caught small pike and I also caught the one decent musky.
I also set out a bear bait behind the barn and had a bear on the camera ten hours later.
The area up here had been buried by snow all winter and now this spring it had been drenched by the rains. Unfortunately the road into the cabin is soup and the mosquitoes are absolutely the worst I have ever experienced. The lilacs are blooming up here, and the weed growth in the St Croix flowage is already quite extensive. We saw lots of wildlife this trip and it included: deer, bear, coyote, fox, skunk, porcupine, turkey and an unidentifiable black critter about the size of a medium dog.
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