Mississippi R. pool 8, 5.21↑, 31kcfs, 77°, clear// 73°, W6, clear, full moon
Caught: Rob 38, 22, & 15 lb flat heads, Me: 30 lb flat head//bait: bluegills, crappies
I was doing three things tonight that I had not done in quite awhile; fishing with Rob and fishing the river by La Crosse. Another first of the year was catching a fish before it got totally dark. In fact Rob caught a double right about at dark.
The first spot was a main channel scour hole below a wing dam. Both fish came off the channel side poles in twenty plus feet of water, and I might add both fish hit quite well.
The next spot was a side channel area with lots of wood. We each caught a fish at this last spot. My fish came right off a snag next to some wood and Rob caught his on the farthest pole out form the shore. Both of these fish also thump the rod rather well.
Its funny I really don’t care for crowds and a lot of people, but fishing basically within the city limits and seeing the city all lit up against the water is quite tranquil. Maybe it is the fact that I am glad I am on the water and not in the city! The bait fishing was not super easy tonight, but we did manage plenty of gills. The rocks are not yet holding any number of bluegills and the wood does not seem to have an over abundance. Rob was the champ of fishing tonight. He caught the majority of the bait and three of the flat head.