Mississippi R. pool 7, 6.7’ →, 50kcfs, 76°, clear, 82°, sunny, light winds
Caught: Four channel cats, 1 sheep head, and 1 rock bass
My brother Dick had his two grand kids for the week and he wanted to take them out fishing again this year. The plan was simple; take the kids out swimming for a little bit, then we would fish until almost dark. The kids were a little hesitant at first to get into the water, but in a very short time they were enjoying themselves in the water. Nora has a little bit of an episode in the water though. I had taken them to the sand flats that lead into Lake Onalaska. Normally this is a great area to take kids because of the expansive shallow area that it provides. Well it was still very shallow for the most part, but there was quite a bit of current blowing through the area. Unfortunately Nora got out a little too far and got swept into an area in which she could not touch. She did have her life jacket on, but with the swift current she could not get back to the boat. Grandpa Dick had to go retrieve her from the swift current.
The fishing was not too good, but the kids each caught about three fish and they had a good time. Also, both were pretty excited about having a catfish fry and going to the fair the next day.
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