Where: Mississippi R. pool 7, Brice Prairie area
Weather: (1653) NW10, overcast, 46°
H2O: 8.7 ↓, 75 kcfs, 42 °, clear
Caught: Almost one pike (lost boat side)
Observations: There is a ton of waterfowl around the river right now; the spring migrations are in full swing. The reed canary grass is staring to emerge on some of the islands and it is about one inch tall. The emerald ash borer beetles devastation is showing on the islands. I am no longer going to include the barometric pressure reading on my fishing reports, mainly because I have never seen a correlation between what it is doing and how well the fish are biting.
I fished for about two and one half hours tonight and explored an island for another hour. I did bring one medium sized pike boat side but was unable to land it. I don’t think I got a good hook set on it mainly because I was surprised to have gotten a bite.
The devastation from the emerald ash borer is very apparent on the islands. The woodpeckers have completely stripped the infested trees of their bark to get at the bugs. It doesn’t look like any ash trees will be spared!

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