Where: Mississippi R. pool 7 mid pool backwaters
Weather: (1853) SE8, light rain, 60°, 29.88
H2O: 5.98↓, 45 kcfs, 62 °, clear to turbid
Caught: 1 SMB 19”, 1 pike 22”, 1 LMB 14”
Observations: The plum trees are blooming and some flowering crab apple trees are close to blooming. The water is very low for this time of year and navigation is already a challenge. The sedimentation on this pool is very bad and worsens each year. The submergent vegetation (kelp) is profusely growing and is at the surface in most of the back bays.
Fishing was not particularly exciting tonight. The only dramatic thing that did happen was that I got stuck and had to get out and push it off the sand. However, I did catch one super sized smallmouth, which was quite the thrill. In fact I was very surprised I caught it where I did. It was caught out of an old decayed rice bed that was in about one foot of water. I never did have any consistency tonight; I just caught a fish here and there. I never did catch two fish in the same area, however I do think I lost another jumbo small mouth where I caught the nineteen incher.
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