Location: Mississippi R. pool 7, Trempealeau area
Weather: (1753) W14, 84 °, sunny
H2O: 5.97↑, 44 kcfs, clear, 80°
Caught: Lots of perch and bluegills, Dick kept approx. eight perch and four bluegills.
Observations: The River is in great shape, but that is going to change within the next couple of days. There has been a lot of precipitation in the upper portion of the Mississippi River watershed and all that water is coming downstream.
Tonight was a night of fun fishing with Grandpa Dick and his granddaughters Nora and Jose. I had a lot of fun with those two girls. Nora got very good at setting the hook. She actually out fished grandpa Dick by about 30:1. Jose was so cute, she was just content to watch and throw the little ones back in. She has a great amount of patience for someone who is only four!
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