Location: Mississippi R. pool 7
Weather: (1753) S8, 86 °, clear
H2O: 9.06↑, 79 kcfs, 80°, dirty with lots of floating weeds
Caught: Bait: a few small perch and one sheep head
Observations: The water is once again high! The woods are starting to flood up by Trempealeau and mats of duckweed and celery grass are everywhere. Heck, we even saw a very large tree floating down the main channel.
Well this week it was Dick’s grand sons opportunity to do a little boating, swimming and fishing. Ike knew what to expect but Oz had never been on a boat ride before. Oz was quite crabby when he got to my house but those tears soon transformed into smiles once we were under way in the boat. The fishing was very tough, as was expected with the high water, but we all had a good time!
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