Day 75-290 to go
Weather: N5, Clear, 74°, 30.01 rising
Water conditions: 639.34’ falling, 17.5kcfs, 69°, clear
Fish caught
1. Crappie 10” 7:52pm Jig
2. Bluegill 7”, 7:26pm Jig
3. Crappie 11”, 7:39pm Jig
4. Bluegill 6.5”, 7:44pm Jig
5. Large Mouth Bass 16.0”, 8:45pm, Berkley Power Worm
Area fished
1. Pool 7
Fishing Partners
1. Fritz
Tonight I decided to fish for crappies. Well, I was not very successful at it! The two I did catch gave me very little indication they were biting the lure. I liken it to someone knocking on the door with a feather. I think I did find a spot where I can do future damage to the bluegills.
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