Day 76-289 to go
Weather: W3, Clear, 68°, 30.13 steady
Water conditions: 639.4’ steady, 18.7kcfs, 68°, clear
Black R. 3.65’, .477kcfs, clear
Fish caught
1. Large Mouth Bass 13.0”, 7:35am, Berkley Power Worm
2. Large Mouth Bass 18.0”, 8:01am, Buzz Bait
3. Crappie, 10.0”, 8:15am, Jig
4. Small Mouth Bass 17.0”, 8:30am, Berkley Power Worm
5. Large Mouth Bass 17.0”, 8:54am, Berkley Power Worm
6. Large Mouth Bass 9.0”, 8:55am, Berkley Power Worm
7. Large Mouth Bass 7.5”, 9:27am, Buzz Bait
8. Small Mouth Bass 16.0”, 9:43am, Ribbit Frog
Area fished
1. Upper Pool 7
Fishing Partners
1. None
Today I decided to try one of my favorite spots. It is a spot that I have ignored so far this year. It was not fantastic, but I would liken it to half a jack pot! Navigation to this honey hole was somewhat of a nail biter. Low water and lots of vegetation had me worrying about beaching the new rig. I am sure that dilemma could easily result in a double hernia.
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