Day 80-285 to go
Weather: SE5, mostly Cloudy, 70°, 29.85 rising (full moon) 9:53pm
Water conditions: 639.55’ steady, 22.2kcfs, 76°, clear
Fish caught
1. Bluegill 8.0”, 7:15pm, Jig and Crawler
2. Bluegill 7.0”, 7:18pm, Jig and Crawler
3. Bluegill 6.0”, 7:21pm, Jig and Crawler
4. Bluegill 5.5”, 7:22pm, Jig and Crawler
5. Bluegill 6.0”, 7:24pm, Jig and Crawler
6. Bluegill 6.0”, 7:25pm, Jig and Crawler
7. Bluegill 5.0”, 7:27pm, Jig and Crawler
8. Bluegill 5.0”, 7:28pm, Jig and Crawler
9. Bluegill 6.0”, 7:31pm, Jig and Crawler
10. Bluegill 5.5”, 7:34pm, Jig and Crawler
11. Bluegill 5.5”, 7:35pm, Jig and Crawler
12. Bluegill 6.0”, 7:39pm, Jig and Crawler
13. Bluegill 6.0”, 7:42pm, Jig and Crawler
14. Bluegill 6.5”, 7:44pm, Jig and Crawler
15. Small Mouth Bass 15.0”, 8:34pm, Senko
16. Flat Head 9lb 10oz, 10:10pm, Bluegill
Area fished
1. Pool 7
Fishing Partners
1. Jake and Zach
Tonight I had Jake and a green horn co-worker on board, which made for some interesting moments. Our trip was delayed slightly as we waited for some on again/off again showers to pass. We had our sights dialed in for flatheads this fine evening. The chore of catching bait was really quite effortless, except for the consistent west breeze that made my stint as the trolling motor operator anything but relaxing. After we filled the hold (live well) and a few side excursions it was kickoff time. As the fourth and final bait made it to its resting spot on the bottom it was immediately fish on. The action the rest of the night was quick and spectacular; unfortunately the greenhorn in the boat was not able to connect on all the opportunities.
Jake won the numbers game tonight with three; however they were all quite small. I finished the night with one. And the greenhorn Zach was the flat head champ of the night and quit frankly probably the season. He caught a whopper that was just shy of forty-one pounds! What a magnificent fish!
During the ride in to the security of the landing we were showered by the light of a full moon. I am sure we were all reliving the bounty of the Mississippi that we had just experienced.
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