5-28-2011 Sat
6:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Weather: S 10, clear, 63˚
H2O: 9.12 rising, 81.6 KCFS, cloudy, 63 ˚
Location: Mississippi R. pool 7 (Lake Onalaska)
Caught: Four bass, with one being a dandy that was probably twenty inches!
Partners: None
I wanted to get out onto the lake and try the pike fishing in the weeds, but it was just too windy for using a buzz bait over top of the weeds. Usually I can do pretty well on the pike around Labor Day. I fish the emerging weed beds in the main lake basin. The bite is usually a top water bite, and they can be aggressive.
The bass I did catch were shallow and located at the upper end of the lake where main sloughs were emptying into the lake. The fish I did catch were all caught on spinner bait.
Adam K. says the bass are on the beds in the marina where they have their house boat.
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