5-4-2011 Wed
5:00 PM- 8:30 PM
Weather: S 12, Clear, 60 ˚
H2O: 10.61’, falling, 104 KCFS, clear, 49 ˚
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7
Caught: I caught some nice pike tonight and of course I also caught some largemouth bass.
Partners: None
The conditions were good tonight: enough wind to put a chop on the water and clear skies. I am starting to observe that pike bite best on a fairly windy day, and of course the water has to be clear for the best bite.
I hit my same usual early season haunt close to the house. I am starting to notice it is getting fished a lot harder and the fish are responding with less aggression. In fact, it seems as if the bites are not nearly as aggressive as they once were. I think I can logically attribute this to angling pressure. This seems to be really prevalent when fishing a spinner bait.
Ever so slowly we are starting to warm up and continue are way into spring.
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