5-6-2011 Fri
5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Weather: NW 7, mostly cloudy, 69 ˚, 29.76MB, rising
H2O: 10.36’, falling, 98.9 KCFS, clear, 53 ˚
Location: Mississippi R. Pool 7 (out from house).
Caught: Approximately fifteen fish with pretty much an equal amount of pike and bass.
Partners: Matt W (co-worker)
The fish were fairly aggressive tonight and some were extremely shallow. Matt is a pretty good fisherman, and I am going to nick name him buzz bait Matt.
You see it was very apparent that he likes to use a buzz bait and very effectively I might add. I definitely learned that it was not too early in the spring to use them. I always thought they were a late spring to summer bait, but he proved me wrong. He was pulling fish out of some very skinny water where I had just fished with a spinner bait. The buzz bait is not only an effective bait, but also a fun one to use. I will be given them a try more often this year.
The dandelions are in full bloom!
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